The Royal New Zealand Returned and Services’ Association’s main fundraiser is on its way – so don’t forget to give generously!
Poppy Day this year is on Friday, April 19, with poppies on sale for a gold coin donation across Aotearoa.
You can donate via street collection, online at: donate Or text ‘Poppy’ to 8595 to instantly donate $3.
Donations collected on Poppy Day help the RNZRSA to improve the health and wellbeing outcomes for New Zealand’s veterans of all ages.
The RSA was established in 1916 with the aim of taking care of New Zealand’s veterans and their families as soldiers returned from Gallipoli.
While today’s soldiers face different challenges, the RNZRSA’s support to them and their whanau continues.
In 2024 we celebrate 102 years of the Poppy Appeal – with the Poppy campaign running throughout the month of April and Poppy Day, the street collection, occurring on April 19.
According to New Zealand History online – Nga korero o ipurangi o Aotearoa – the first poppy appeal on April 24 in 1922 sold a total of 245,059 small poppies and 15,157 larger versions, earning £13,166 – the equivalent to $1.34 million in 2020.
NZH online states: “Unlike the practice in other countries, the NZRSA did not hold its inaugural Poppy Appeal in association with Armistice Day, November 11.
The shipment arrived too late for Poppy Day to be properly promoted prior to Armistice Day, so the NZRSA decided to hold it on the day before Anzac Day 1922”.
Back in 1922 poppies were sold for one shilling each.
According to the RNZRSA, today’s poppies are sold for a gold coin donation and our nation averages selling close to one million poppies each year.
And the annual Poppy Day Appeal is now usually held on the Friday before Anzac Day, April 25.
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