Several former councillors running again

Former Tauranga City councillor John Robson gets his hair cut as he prepares to run for mayor in the upcoming local body election. Photo / Alex Cairns.

In July, Tauranga will elect its first city council since the 2019 cohort was sacked and replaced with government-appointed commissioners after a tumultuous start to the term led to governance concerns.

Kiri Gillespie catches up with the former councillors and discovers who is running again, who is undecided - and who has ruled it out.

John Robson is moments away from his first haircut since 2020 when he confirms to the Bay of Plenty Times he will be running for the Tauranga City Council again.

The former councillor was among elected members discharged of their duties by Local Government Minister Nanaia Mahuta and replaced by a commission.

Mahuta cited issues such as “poor behaviour”, “infighting” and not setting “realistic” rates in her decision, which followed resignations by Mayor Tenby Powell and councillor Jako Abrie as well as a critical report by independent Crown observers.

The commission’s extended term ends on July 20, when Tauranga’s election ends. Nominations opened on April 26 and five of the original 11 have confirmed to the Bay of Plenty Times they will stand again, with one other undecided.

John Robson

For John, the election means “democracy is back”.

A vocal opponent of the commission’s appointment, he says he protested this by refusing to cut his thick, curly hair until “democracy returned” to the city.

On Friday, more than three years later, he went to the hairdresser.

John says he intended to run for the mayoralty and in the Bethlehem ward.

He says the 2019 council was democratically elected to do a job that was cut short and he had “unfinished business”.

“The issues that I ran on in 2019, some of those still remain. There are changes that need to happen in this city for the city to benefit.”

Heidi Hughes

Heidi Hughes says she would run for the Mount Maunganui ward and believed the city was moving in a positive direction after having commissioners in charge.

“I feel like there’s been a really good circuit-breaker, which I guess was what was needed,” Heidi says.

She was a first-time councillor in 2019 and quit after Mahuta’s decision to help the city avoid an expensive byelection.

Heidi says the experience she gained would be important for a new council.

Former Tauranga City councillors Dawn Kiddie, Jako Abrie, Tina Salisbury, Heidi Hughes and Andrew Hollis were first-time councillors in 2019.

In her view: “I don’t want to see a majority of old councillors get in but I do think it’s really helpful and important that if there are people who have council or governance experience, they can be mentors and support others.

She had “seen what went wrong” in the previous council and now knew how the next group should interact to create a team.

Larry Baldock

Larry Baldock was deputy mayor until a coup by some colleagues forced him to step away from this role, remaining a councillor. The matter was one of many that led to Mahuta’s decision to remove the elected council.

Larry, who ran in the 2023 general election, says he was standing for the Pyes Pa ward and believed he still had something to offer.

“I understand that I’m tarred with the same brush because we all got replaced but it’s important there’s experience and knowledge of history on council.

Former councillor Larry Baldock with former councillors Steve Morris and Dawn Kiddie in the background. Photo / George Novak.

“I believe I’ve always been a positive councillor looking to work with people.‘‘

In his opinion: “The last thing we need is a lot of negative complaining about the commission. We need to move on and continue the positive development the city has had.”

Tina Salisbury

Tina Salisbury was deputy mayor after Larry stepped down and this year she is aiming for the top job.

Tina could not be reached yesterday but previously says she decided to run for just the mayoralty – not a councillor seat – because she believed Tauranga needed “decisive leadership”.

She told Local Democracy Reporting she understood Tauranga’s complexities from having already been on the council.

Asked if she would have any concerns if other members of the previous council were elected, she says: “I trust the city to elect good people to lead the city and I will work with whoever is elected.”

Steve Morris

Steve Morris told the Bay of Plenty Times he intended to announce his nomination this week and, if elected, he looked forward to working with both old and new faces.

Tenby Powell

Tenby, who quit and called for commissioners to be appointed shortly before Mahuta announced her decision, says he remained “undecided” on whether to run again.

At the time of his resignation, Tenby described his term as “soul-destroying” and was also receiving prostate cancer treatment.

Tenby says he had been regularly asked whether he would return.

Former Tauranga Mayor Tenby Powell, pictured shortly after his resignation in 2020. Photo / George Novak.

“The truth is I’m undecided. I’m waiting to see who puts their hand up. I don’t need to be mayor but I would love to back the right people and carry on the work of the commission [as a councillor].”

Tenby says he would happily back Tina, Heidi and Larry.

Jako Abrie

Jako Abrie quit about two months before Mahuta’s decision, describing the council environment as “toxic” at the time.

He says he had no plans to run again and hoped new people would be elected, with the exceptions of Heidi and Tina.

In his view: “They were amazing...’'

“I’m optimistic that the new councillors will learn from our failed attempt...”

Kelvin Clout

Kelvin Clout, a former deputy mayor, says he had been tempted to stand again but was “thoroughly enjoying” his new career in real estate.

Kelvin says he was still interested in local government and would be “quite comfortable” to see some former colleagues re-elected.

He says the new council would face big financial constraints and believed that electing people with experience in that field would be helpful.

Former Tauranga City councillor Kelvin Clout.

Andrew Hollis

Andrew Hollis says he was tempted to stand but his gold exchange business had grown dramatically since 2020 and he had expansion plans.

Running for a full-time council role would be irresponsible while the business was growing, he says.

He backed John’s bid for the mayoralty and believed he could “get the city back to an even keel with respect to debt and income”.

Bill Grainger

Bill Grainger indicated shortly after Mahuta’s intervention he had no intention of returning to council.

Bill confirmed he still felt the same and says it was “great to see democracy back”.

“Let’s see what a fresh new set of councillors can do.”

Editor’s note: The Bay of Plenty Times has attempted to contact Dawn Kiddie and this story will be updated if she responds.

Kiri Gillespie is an assistant news director and a senior journalist for the Bay of Plenty Times and Rotorua Daily Post, specialising in local politics and city issues. She was a finalist for the Voyager Media Awards Regional Journalist of the Year in 2021.

-Kiri Gillespie, Bay of Plenty Times


Fantastic news John Robson!!!

Posted on 14-05-2024 11:52 | By Bruja

With you all the way! Happy to be a 'back-room' person for you and Sun Media has my permission to give you my email address in this regard. Knock their socks off! :)


Posted on 14-05-2024 12:59 | By Blue Angel

Several sacked councillors running again, 🤣🤣👎👎 are these the ones that have made a mockery of Tauranga construction going on at the moment. What a crack up Several sacked councillors running again

You have to be joking

Posted on 14-05-2024 13:37 | By The Sage

We have Tenby Powell to thank for getting the Government to appoint the Commissioners. We all know how that has gone. What on earth makes Tenby think he would be welcome in local body elections.

It will end in tears

Posted on 14-05-2024 13:40 | By Scoop

They sure are slow learners. Can’t see anything but the bickering that went on before. Back to the future.


Posted on 14-05-2024 13:50 | By anotherone2

Why would anyone vote for the old councillors who proved over previous terms they can't do the job? Talk about doing what you've always done and expecting a different result.

I won't vote for anyone...

Posted on 14-05-2024 13:56 | By morepork

... who thinks they would be proud to continue the "great work" done by the Commissioners. So, that rules out Baldock and Powell. I don't entirely accept the argument that we need some people with previous experience. The previous experience was a disaster that led to the Commission. Fresh inexperience (as long as it leaves the ego at the door) knows when it needs help and seeks it. And fresh eyes sees things previously missed. The fundamental primary requisite has to be responsibility and concern for OPM. We don't need people who are going to be defined by the job. We need individuals who can do perfectly well WITHOUT being on Council and can bring common sense and connection to the community INTO the job. At this point, John Robson looks like a good choice for Mayor, in my opinion.


Posted on 14-05-2024 14:16 | By nerak

A cowboy, an ex military and an entertainer. We're off to a dismal start with this lot. Not sure about Tina, closely allied to Powell? Come on all you good, caring, hardworking people, please, throw your hats in the ring, as long as they're not cowboy hats. It is surely going to take fortitude to step up to the plate, and just as surely there must be someone...

RE Powell

Posted on 14-05-2024 14:18 | By nerak

so this guy is going to hang around and see who "puts their hands up". Wow, says it all, really.

The Master

Posted on 14-05-2024 14:43 | By Ian Stevenson

The good, the bad and the ugly!!!!!!

Ride again?

Tenby Powell

Posted on 14-05-2024 15:20 | By Yadick

Actually Tenby would get my vote.
At the time that he was calling for Commissioners most of us were all for it, including myself. Nobody saw the disaster coming that was to be slung at us by Mahuta. He was also battling cancer unbeknownst to us all. The ruckus and thumbsucking came from the old stick-in-the-muds and those with self agendas.
I would happily give Tenby Powell another chance.

Same Same No No

Posted on 14-05-2024 15:48 | By Bourney

Can we see a list of NEW candidates asap plus something of the business history or actions within the community? On balance with the others "if you do what you always do you will get what you always got" and by God that was a dysfunctional team. Fresh blood would be good, and no idealist candidates.

Gotta be kidding

Posted on 14-05-2024 16:34 | By Tunks

A self serving individual who thinks anyone actually cares about his not cutting his hair until democracy returns is running for mayor. Really, how bloody childish and self important can you get.Speaks volumes.


Posted on 14-05-2024 17:33 | By Let's get real

The deciding factors for me are skills, experiences, knowledge and their opinion on the past few years under our dictatorship.
Anyone who was brave enough to introduce "binding ratepayer referenda" would probably go to the top of my list.
I really don't care if you're a "nice" person and I don't want anyone with predetermined agendas to benefit small sections of the community, I want people who are willing to spend other peoples money as if it was coming out of their own pocket and they were living on a fixed income.
Respect and responsibility.

Lord no

Posted on 14-05-2024 19:32 | By Informed

Before anyone votes for this lot, please go back and watch video’s of them in action.
Morris, Robson not a chance. Both think they are smarter than they are and aren’t interest in the community.
Salisbury isn’t up for it.
Larry is a safe pair of hands, but gets distracted on pet projects.
Hughes is only interested in cycling and public transport and not interested in anything else.

John Robson

Posted on 14-05-2024 21:59 | By R1Squid

For Mayor.


Posted on 14-05-2024 22:06 | By FRANKS

as a politician.
Failed as a deputy mayor.
Why would you vote for L Baldock !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We have a say

Posted on 15-05-2024 08:57 | By Brian P Porter

Whatever the come is, at least we have a say.

Tenby Powell

Posted on 15-05-2024 09:26 | By Alex Aroha

I encourage Tenby to stand and he will get my vote and many others I know. He represents progress which the majority want. Like many, I admire his courage and strength to stand up to the old guard who have held Tauranga back. And greatly admire his work in Ukraine despite still fighting cancer.

Look at the progress made in Tauranga since the old councillors were sacked. Without Tenby’s vision this would never have happened.

@Alex Aroha

Posted on 15-05-2024 14:54 | By morepork

I agree that 10B has redeemed himself and balanced the books with his amazing work for Ukraine. But he is still the same person, (and personality) that reduced Council members to tears and blazed anger through the chambers. As a person, his slate with me is clean, but I don't want him anywhere near the administration of our City.

@Let's Get Real

Posted on 15-05-2024 15:07 | By morepork

I endorse your post 100%. I was going to post something along the same lines, but I saw yours and you saved me the trouble. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks that responsibility and respect should be the main criteria, and that regard for OPM should be restored. And I also agree that the Mayoralty requires broader vision than support for ANY ethnic minority (or vested interests); the Mayor needs to be seen to be neutral, unfailingly fair, and set aside his/her personal agendas.

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