10:17:39 Friday 14 March 2025

Former Tauranga mayor may run again

Former mayor Tenby Powell is still deciding whether to run in the Tauranga City Council election on July 20. Photo: Daniel Hines/SunLive.

Tauranga’s former mayor Tenby Powell might run in this year’s election but he’s waiting to see who he could be working alongside.

On July 20, the city will elect a mayor and nine councillors ending the commission's term.

The first-time mayor told local Democracy Reporting he ran in the 2019 election “to break a stranglehold on a city that was 20 years behind in infrastructure, roading and civic amenity and ... housing".

After serving for a year, Powell resigned in November 2020 following his stage four prostate cancer diagnosis and called for a commission to be appointed.

Even before he resigned, there had been reports of in-fighting at the troubled council and name calling over text messages.

In August that year the council decided to appoint a Review and Observer Team to try to resolve the issue of elected member relationships.

More turbulence followed, resulting in the councillors being deposed by former Local Government Minister Nanaia Mahuta. 

Mahuta appointed a four-person commission, which took over in February 2021, due to the "infighting, poor behaviour” and not setting "realistic” rates.

Powell says he asked for the commission.

"So I feel a huge responsibility now to ensure that I play a part going forward, potentially.”

Tenby Powell at the Tauranga City Council swearing in ceremony in 2019. Photo: Daniel Hines/SunLive.

The commission's progression needed to continue so he was waiting to see who the candidates were before deciding to run, he says.

“To stop the progress now would be an absolute travesty.

He says there are councillors who are running who would stop that progress.

“If I was to run this time, it would be to be a part of a team that will continue doing the work that the commissioners have started.”

Powell says he is also awaiting the results of a blood test to help inform his decision because he was still fighting cancer and wanted to ensure he could serve a full term.

“Health first because without that I can't be any good to anyone really.”

When asked how he would handle being elected alongside members of the previous council, Tenby replied:

“If you want to vote for the guys that have held the city back, who have not had the courage to make the decisions that the commissioners have made, do not vote for me.”

Powell says he would back Tina Salisbury, Heidi Hughes and Larry Baldock, who were members of the 2019 council and were running in this year’s election.

The election was being hailed by some as a return to democracy, he says

Tenby Powell in Izyum, Ukraine in 2022 as part of the aid work he started through his charity Kiwi K.A.R.E. Photo: Tenby Powell.

“The reality is that the wishes of the majority of Tauranga residents over two decades have been trampled on by councillors," he says.

“This is not a return to democracy at all in the sense that I believe the commissioners have been very democratic in their process.”

After resigning, Powell took a year off to recover from cancer. 

The former army colonel says he couldn't “sit back and do nothing” when war broke out in Ukraine. 

He started Kiwi K.A.R.E, a volunteer organisation delivering humanitarian aid and medical treatment to Ukrainians impacted by the war.

Powell has spent around 14 months in the country since Russia invaded. 

He says he feels a “huge sense of responsibility” to the operation running in Ukraine as well.

“I've just got lots of decisions to make really, but I'm very vested... in Tauranga city.”

Nominations for the election close at midday on May 24.


LDR is local body journalism co-funded by RNZ and NZ On Air.


That’s nice

Posted on 17-05-2024 07:55 | By The Sage

If Tenby was so vested in Tauranga City, he would leave. The thought of him running again is the stuff nightmares are made of. He states he wants to be part of the team to continue what the Commissioners started. Funny that as Teamwork was not something Tenby was known for. In fact, it is his way or the high way and, it was this attitude that instigated getting the Commissioners appointed in the first place. His arrogance knows no bounds however he is hedging his bets waiting to see who else puts their hand up. Even if he does put his hand up his chances of getting elected are very slim.

What a farce

Posted on 17-05-2024 08:07 | By Angels

He is one of the main reasons we got an unelected council after he got elected.
Councillors are not his soldiers. They are equal.
Military attitude in the private sector dies not work.
We want an elected council that can all speak for the electorate.
He and badlock should never be in the public sector again.

Wow, some nerve

Posted on 17-05-2024 10:02 | By an_alias

The architect of putting in our Dictators will have the nerve to stand once more.
How much have you cost every household and business in Tauranga since they got appointed. Just look at the projects NOT needed and the grand increase of 10%-15% every single year to the rates.
All can be placed at your feet.
Does he even live in Tauranga ?

You got my vote!

Posted on 17-05-2024 11:21 | By Alex Aroha

Tenby has my vote and I know many who want him to run again and carry on the work that his courage and vision created through the commissioners.

You must be joking!

Posted on 17-05-2024 11:32 | By Brighter daze

I read the article regarding the previous mayors interest in running for the position again with amazement.
How tone deaf is this guy to suggest that people would vote again for a traitor like him.
He doesn’t mention that it was he that pushed for unelected commissioners to take over decision making of the countries 5th largest city.
Since Powell and his fellow travellers resigned from their previous positions, we have been forced to watch commissioners force their (and unelected council staff) actions on a helpless population.
Business crushing roadworks, speed restrictions and an almost endless list of pet projects have been forced on the Tauranga ratepayers due to your inability to manage a group of elected councillors.
You bailed out before when the going got tough and I am sure you would do it again.
Tenby Powell, you are not wanted by the voters of Tauranga.


Posted on 17-05-2024 12:14 | By CliftonGuy

I voted for him and regretted it. He put forward an impressive publicity campaign, but did not live up to it.
A bit like Trump.


Posted on 17-05-2024 13:04 | By railwayman

Here we go and it will be back to the problems again run military style council and if you do not do it his way look out as it is supposed to be a democracy world not a world of yes sir no sir. Get the commissioners out and put in proper people who think of the people of Tauranga and not their pocket for them self .

Not a contender.

Posted on 17-05-2024 14:14 | By morepork

While there is no denying the fantastic work 10B has done in Ukraine, as far as I am concerned, he has disqualified himself by "waiting to see who he might be working alongside." The new Mayor should have NO such considerations and should be equally prepared and willing to work with whomever the Community decide will be a Councillor. 10B's reservation about this shows that he recognizes his own inabilities, demonstrated in the past, to motivate and get the best from a Council team. ANY Council team. He still has the mindset that he had when he was previously Mayor, and that is NOT what we need. The new Mayor should be a generally capable person who is sensitive to OPM and who is capable of communicating common sense to the Council and the Community. A candidature based on personal likes, is no candidature at all.

The Master

Posted on 17-05-2024 14:57 | By Ian Stevenson

Although perhaps, well intended, the simple fact is that Tenby as Mayor, completely lost control including himself and also lost the respect that any Councilor/s then.

At best he should stand as a Councilors first, to see if he can 'learn the ropes' first, it would be seriously bad for Tauranga if the likes of Baldock and a couple of others of similar ilk were re-elected again. The mess that they left behind has cost the community mega-millions...


Posted on 17-05-2024 15:00 | By peanuts9

Good. We need choices.

At last

Posted on 17-05-2024 17:09 | By adrianmullershow@gmail.com

I have always wanted to know who the people were that were blocking the elected mayor and causing the city to have a Comissioner appointed. Now I see a solution. Can/would Tenby list any other people who he would like to nominate as others he would like to work with. It would help

Consensus not command and control

Posted on 17-05-2024 18:19 | By kevin port

If he only wants to work with people who will agree with him he is best to stick with the army or business . Council should be about, as much as possible, finding consensus for the wide set of views in the community. I don't think he has adequately reflected on the part he played in the disintegration of the last Council .

Go back to Auckland

Posted on 17-05-2024 19:56 | By Andrew64

You are reason we are in this mess now. Go home. Leave us alone.

Tenby Powell

Posted on 18-05-2024 08:21 | By Yadick

Certainly gets my vote. Here's a man that gets on and gets the job done.

What We Don't Need

Posted on 18-05-2024 11:22 | By Don Twori

.. is what we have had continuously in the past, a parade of "businessmen" , councillors, commissioners , whatever their name, who care not a jot if the annual rates increase exceeds the cost of living increase, because it's all just a "tax deductible expense".

These people have always done the same thing; rubber-stamped approval of expensive monuments to vanity, like:
the Baycourt theatre, which was inadequate from the time it was build
Council admin buildings that last only a couple of decades before being declared "unsuitable"

meanwhile the debt burden and the interest it carries from this overspending continues to burden the ratepayer to the extent that Tauranga is becoming a home for only the wealthy property investors who can charge the exorbitant rates to, you guessed it, "business expenses".

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