Young voices headline Long Term Plan

Western Bay Mayor James Denyer. File Photo.

“A perfect District is a District that has something for everyone... a perfect District is a District that everyone feels good in.”

These wise words by Kaelyn, 12, from Ōmokoroa, headline Western Bay of Plenty District Council’s Long Term Plan 2024-34, which is now open for feedback.

The consultation document, which can be viewed at,  is punctuated throughout by young voices, like Kaelyn’s, expressing their aspirations for the District’s future.

From fresh air, clean rivers and more books, to waterparks, roller coasters and candyfloss trees, their ideas were gathered during an art, writing and colouring-in competition held over summer in which participants were asked what they wanted their future District to ‘look like, be like or feel like’.

“It was important to us as a Council to have our tamariki and rangatahi represented in this important document. The Long Term Plan sets out our vision for the future, and the mahi we do now will impact what that looks like for our children and our children’s children,” says Western Bay Mayor James Denyer.

“I’m not sure we can stretch to candyfloss trees, but many of their wishes are actually quite achievable and there was a common thread, which Kaelyn summed up nicely – to live in a   place where people are happy and feel included.”

While the “nuts and bolts” of a Council are to provide key infrastructure, like clean drinking water, rubbish and recycling services, roads, playgrounds, libraries and swimming pools, communities are so much more that that, says Mayor James.

“We are focused on building and supporting happy, healthy communities where people can live good, fulfilling lives, and these wonderful insights from our tamariki are a good reminder of why we do what we do.”

Councillor Anne Henry says the presentation of the Long Term Plan 2024-2034 is much more “colourful” than in previous years.

“The point I wish to draw your attention to is the views expressed by local primary school students in the letters they have written to Council. They are potentially our future ratepayers and leaders in our Western Bay rohe and they will be living with the decisions we make today and every day.”

The Long Term Plan steers all Council activities and services and how these will be paid for over the next 10 years. It is reviewed every three years, setting out key areas of focus and what rates may look like for the next 10 years.

Included in the Long Term Plan 2024-34 is a proposed 13.6 per cent rates increase for the coming year, which would be achieved by pushing out the timing of some projects, increasing debt levels and smoothing infrastructure costs over the next 10 years. 

Alternatively, if Council were to continue with the original timing of projects, as set out in the previous Long Term Plan, 2021-2031, it would result in a 24.4 per cent rate increase.

From early next week, the Have Your Say website will include a rates search function, where people can put in their address and see what the coming year's proposed rates would be based on the proposed rates increase.

The rates increase is one of seven key questions posed in the plan:

A flipbook of the writing and artwork by the District’s tamariki and rangatahi can be viewed here -

Submissions on the Plan are open from Friday, 17 May, until Monday, 17 June, 5pm.

In a first for Council, social media comments on Council’s Facebook page ( will be considered informal feedback. While they are not counted as formal submissions, they will be used to provide an indication of community sentiment.

How to put yourself in the picture

  • Online l wānanga ipurangi:
  • Hard copy l pepa mārō: Grab a feedback form at any of our Library and Service Centres in Waihī Beach, Katikati, Ōmokoroa, Te Puke or to the main Council Office at Barkes Corner, Greerton.
  • In person l ā kanohi: Come talk to us at one of our community events.
  • Email l īmēra: Email with the subject line 'LTP Submission'. Include your full name and address.
  • Present your views: This is an opportunity to provide your feedback to councillors in Council Chambers on Wednesday 26 June. Please email by Monday 17 June 2024 to secure a timeslot. We will be in touch with a time for you.


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