Te Pāti Māori protest plans for Thursday

National Māori Action Day protesters on the Aurora Terrace bridge across State Highway One in Wellington last December. Photo / Mark Mitchell.

Prime Minister Christopher Luxon has slammed plans for a day of disruption launched by Te Pāti Māori as “illegal”.

Te Pāti Māori is urging all Māori to go on strike on Thursday and participate in protest action across the country.

The Toitū Te Tiriti National Day of Action protesters will be participating in “carkois” which entails driving slowly across roadways to disrupt traffic flow at peak times.

Te Pāti Māori encouraged all Māori to leave work and attend the hīkoi near their location.

Luxon will face questions from Te Pāti Māori co-leader Debbie Ngarewa-Packer at the start of Question Time today as Te Pāti Māori urge people to join the protest against the Government’s actions.

Asked whether the calls for strike action on Budget Day as part of the nationwide activation were appropriate, Luxon says: “No, that would be illegal.

Prime Minister Christopher Luxon has slammed plans for a day of disruption launched by Te Pāti Māori as “illegal”. File photo / Mark Mitchell.

”I think that is wrong – I think that is entirely wrong. Feel free to protest, that’s what we have weekends for. Te Pāti Māori, they’re completely free to protest as long as it’s legal.

”It’s pretty clear what the rules are around strike action and I would suggest to you that’s not one of them.”

Meanwhile, Labour MP Peeni Henare says the protest action was unsurprising given actions the coalition Government had taken, such as disestablishing the Māori Health Authority.

”I don’t know why anybody would be surprised.”

Participating in the protest was “up to each and every individual”, he says.

”But let’s be honest that what’s being lost here ... backwards views on Māori policies are what causes this kind of hurt for people so they’ll make their own choice whether or not they get out to support.”

Labour leader Chris Hipkins says any strike action needed to be within the confines of the law.

”But if people want to engage in their right to free speech, of course I encourage them to do that but I encourage them to do that within the law.”

In Auckland, protesters will meet at locations near motorway on-ramps, north, south and west of the city at 6.30am.

Te Pāti Māori shared on social media that this is a “rangatira revolution”.

“We are being attacked for being Māori,” Te Pāti Māori wrote.

Traffic is expected to be gridlocked with protests planned on Auckland’s motorway network, and marches and convoys slated for other key transport points around the country.

Protests are planned for the following areas on Thursday,

  • West Auckland, BP Hobsonville.
  • South Auckland, Z Petrol station.
  • North Auckland, Palmers Albany Garden Centre.
  • Central Auckland, Aotea Square.
  • a mass hīkoi to Parliament in Wellington.
  • Whangārei, Farmer’s car park.
  • Kaitāia, Commerce St.
  • Christchurch, Bridge of Remembrance
  • Nelson, Church steps.
  • Dunedin, Queens Gardens
  • Hamilton, Kirikiriroa Marae
  • Matamata, Matamata Woolworths
  • Te Puaha, Weraroa Marae
  • Hauraki, Victoria Park
  • Tūranganui a Kiwa, Heipipi Park
  • Hastings, Hastings Clock Tower.
  • Wairarapa, Masterton Town Hall.
  • Hāwera, Hāwera Netball Courts
  • Palmerston North, SH1
  • Tokoroa. Leith Pl
  • Tauranga, Whareroa Reserve
  • Whakatāne, SH30
  • Ōpōtiki, Waioweka bridge
  • Taupō, Lake Terrace
  • Tūrangi, Tūrangi town centre
  • Rotorua, Lake Rd intersection, Old Taupō Rd, Fenton St and Sala St.

Second day of disruption

Te Pāti Māori protests brought peak-hour traffic to a standstill last December in a similar event also organised by Te Pāti Māori.

Police say an estimated 300 cars joined the Auckland protest, which was “peaceful and the vast majority of groups dispersed relatively quickly”.

In Wellington, 1000 protesters gathered on Parliament grounds, where Te Pāti Māori co-leader Debbie Ngarewa-Packer addressed the crowd.

The convoys gathered about 7am in several cities and at traffic pressure points including near Auckland’s Northern Motorway at the Palmers Albany Garden Centre, near the Upper Harbour Motorway on Brigham Creek and Hobsonville Rds, and near the Southern Motorway at BP Bombay.

Further south, the Waikato Expressway suffered a 3km backlog after being blocked by about 50 cars. This had a “significant impact on traffic”, police say.

Hamilton, Whakatāne, Rotorua, Tokoroa, Taupō and Palmerston North also held gatherings of about 100 people each, with minimal disruption.

-Bay of Plenty Times.


Absolutely APPALLING

Posted on 29-05-2024 08:01 | By Yadick

This is absolutely disgusting and appalling.
You are quite within your rights to peacefully protest if you choose to but you have no legal right to hold up traffic by being absolute morons. What happens if you hold up a fire truck going to a building fire, an Ambulance going to a life threatening scene, Police going to an armed incident? Oh wait, this is all about you - nobody else because you choose a society where you're divided and elite. All you will be doing is causing mayhem, stress, anxiety and hatred. Is this the outcome you want. Does this solve your perceived problems and issues. Of course it doesn't. The Te Pati leaders calling for this action should be sacked immediately. You've absolutely overstepped the mark here.
I trust there'll be arrests for public nuisance and traffic offences.

Have You Thought?

Posted on 29-05-2024 08:12 | By Yadick

(The answer is obvious), that this will cost the country hundreds of millions of dollars, it could potentially cost people their jobs, their livelihoods with a flow-on that could destroy families, it could cost lives and be the final straw for a struggling business. All because you want to live in the past instead of coming together as a strong and united country. It doesn't mean you don't remember the past but history is history. You need to move forward and upwards and you cannot do that by continually looking in the rear view mirror or by self-centered illegal protests.
As a country and as the saying truthfully states, united we stand, divided we fall.

Go directly to jail

Posted on 29-05-2024 08:39 | By Rob .

If you break the law you face theconsequences, the Bill of Rights allows for "peaceful protest", if the law is broken then one would expect the Police to enforce the law regardless of race creed or colour of the miscreant.

Standing in the middle of a roadway in traffic is particulary nonsensical as accidents can occur

Good on them

Posted on 29-05-2024 16:09 | By tgacentral

Seeing what the Whareroa Marae has endured over the years I'm suprised this hasn't happened sooner. And I'm guessing the outraged moaners commenting on here like the world is going to end after a peaceful hikoi supported a bunch of tractors doing the same thing when it backed up their priviledge.

Strike ation gains nothing

Posted on 29-05-2024 17:20 | By Rolingin

I have been caught up in many strikesn ornprotests and the end result is a lot of pain oon the income front and as it not an official union strike your job will be at stake , if you take sick leave you will need a medical certificate , BUT THE END RESULT WILL BE LOSS OF INCOME OR JOB AND YOU WILL LOSE RESPECT OF THE BIGEST PART OF NZ POPULATION .

Like overseas

Posted on 29-05-2024 18:44 | By SonnyJim

Similar actions overseas ended up 'burning' many 'protestors'. That ranged from personal loss of employment to defunding backlash surprises.

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