Council proposes $50 community facilities fee

Western Bay of Plenty District Council is proposing introducing a $50 fee for the use of a community facility.

Western Bay of Plenty District Council is exploring a fairer approach to funding indoor facilities, such as sports centres.

In its Long Term Plan 2024-34, it is proposing introducing a new $50 fixed fee per property, that would go towards a community facilities fund.

The fund criteria would be developed in the next 12 months, in consultation with the community, and the fee would be introduced in the 2025/26 financial year.

The other option outlined in Council’s Long Term Plan 2024-2034 is to continue to fund community facilities on a case-by-case basis but investigate other funding approaches that could be considered through the 2027-2037 Long Term Plan.

“The cost of building and running indoor community facilities has increased and the current funding approach needs a rethink,” says council operations manager Kerrie Little.

“There are several projects waiting for potential Council funding but, while we have clear direction on some facilities, we don’t on others.”

There are rules around how Council supports community halls, libraries, swimming pools and club-based facilities on sportsgrounds, but in smaller communities where there aren’t any facilities, and for some types of groups and clubs, Council’s role is less clear, explains Kerrie.

“Currently, we decide on funding on a case-by-case basis. But this way, we might miss out on opportunities and only help the groups who ask first. It can also make things unfair across our District.”

In the past two years, Council has put around $350,000 towards community facilities. It also provides 11 facilities with lease agreements at less than the market rate.

“When community groups receive Council funding towards their facilities, it makes it easier for them to access additional funding from other sources. So, we want to provide more structure to help them leverage that funding,” says Kerrie.

“We want to know how people feel about contributing to a community facilities fund, and if it goes ahead we will be going back out to the community for feedback on what types of projects should be supported.”

“We need a good plan for funding, to make sure community facilities have enough money to be built and maintained properly. We hope the community will get on board and share their thoughts with us so we can develop a plan together.”

How to put yourself in the picture

  • Online l wānanga ipurangi:
  • Hard copy l pepa mārō: Grab a feedback form at any of our Library and Service Centres in Waihī Beach, Katikati, Ōmokoroa, Te Puke or to the main Council Office at Barkes Corner, Greerton.
  • In person l ā kanohi: Come talk to us at one of our community events.
  • Email l īmēra: Email with the subject line 'LTP Submission'. Include your full name and address.
  • Present your views: This is an opportunity to provide your feedback to councillors in Council Chambers on Wednesday 26 June. Please email by Monday 17 June 2024 to secure a timeslot. We will be in touch with a time for you.


Effective Cost-Cutting Strategies for Council Support in Tauranga

Posted on 31-05-2024 15:19 | By Arkamader

The best advice for the Council is to stop unnecessary spending, minimize staff, and lower your own wages. These actions will free up more funds and gain support from Tauranga residents.


Posted on 31-05-2024 15:56 | By Let's get real

I'm an advocate for user-pays and support any move towards reducing council costs, but there will be an outcry from many that expect others to fund their lives and pastimes.
Whilst we have councils willing to finance empire building and vanity projects, it will become more important for facility users to support and finance the maintenance of the facilities that they take for granted.
Councils are becoming construction companies rather than providers of free community services. Rubbish collection, water supply, road/footpath maintenance, parks and reserves... All subcontracted out at additional cost and extra levels of management.
More management and monitoring coming to council offices, gathering usage fees and monitoring who is using the facilities, of course.

Community Facilities

Posted on 31-05-2024 16:00 | By Sycamore2

As someone who only uses libraries, I feel user pays is a fairer system. I don't use sports grounds, community halls, swimming pools etc.


Posted on 01-06-2024 09:28 | By Alfa male

Why stop at $50, why not make it $100 ? And while you are thinking about that, how about adding another levy to pay for our new civic centre, I am sure that if you try you will also be able to think of many other things to spend other peoples money on as well.

Money grab

Posted on 02-06-2024 09:07 | By an_alias

How is everyone paying for facilities they dont use fairer ? Please answer that council ?
This is purely a money grab due to over spending by local govt.
We need SOME OF THE FAT cut and fast.

and that, Alfa male....

Posted on 02-06-2024 09:25 | By groutby the very real issue isn't it?...$50 this year by force, presuming it will become an annual 'fee' much next year and so on?...there's always an excuse...I mean..reason to increase revenue by stealth to meet council if rates weren't excessive enough now.
So how about we introduce a 'user pays' scheme and lower rates to accommodate this, at least we will see the reality of the importance to the community of these council 'wants' interest from councils??...didn't think so....

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