Anger as housing change pushed ahead of elections

Proposed Plan Change 33 (PC33) would allow more Mount Maunganui buildings to reach a height of 22 metres before needing resource consent.

On the same day that nominations for the Tauranga City Council election closed, unelected commissioners sent a letter to the government asking it to overrule independent planning recommendations for the city.

The move has stirred debate amongst Tauranga mayoral hopefuls, with one candidate writing his own letter to the government, asking it to not make any decision until the council is elected.

Proposed Plan Change 33 (PC33) would allow more Mount Maunganui buildings to reach a height of 22 metres before needing resource consent.

In a letter to Minister for the Environment Penny Simmonds and Minister for Resource Management Act Reform Chris Bishop, Tauranga City Council Commissioner Anne Tolley asked that they overrule part of the recommendations from an Independent Housing Panel which would have left the permitted height for a building in Mount Maunganui at 12 metres.

The letter was sent on May 24, the same day that nominations for the Tauranga City Council election closed.

Mayoral candidate Mahé Drysdale has now sent his own letter to the two government ministers, requesting that they defer the decision until the new council is elected.

He says if he becomes mayor, he will ask the council to withdraw the request completely.

"The Mount is one of the most important and iconic suburbs in New Zealand. The decision should be made in our city - not Wellington."

Tolley says there is no legal ability under the Resource Management Act for PC33 to be withdrawn by the incoming council, now that the commissioners have made a decision on it.

"However, the incoming council could initiate a further plan change, if that was the wish of a majority of its members," she says.

Former Tauranga mayor Greg Brownless, who is running again, says the move from the commissioners to override the independent panel so close to new elections is exactly why he asked Local Government Minister Simeon Brown to rein in the power of the commissioners months ago.

They are making decisions that are "undemocratic and that didn't reflect the will of the people", he says.

"Most Tauranga residents don't want the Mount turned into a Gold Coast-style over-height over-shadowed wind tunnel."

Tolley says she doesn't see it that way. She says the council is statutorily required to notify decisions on the Independent Hearings Panel recommendations by June 30.

"This meant that the Commission had to make decisions prior to the forthcoming Council election," she says.

Mayoral candidate Ria Hall, meanwhile, says Plan Change 33 is a housing lifeline for Tauranga City and that opposition to it is regressive and irresponsible.

She says it will enable the city to grow upwards.

"Implementing PC33 to allow for increased density is crucial to addressing both our immediate and long-term housing needs," Hall says.

Tolley agrees, and says Tauranga has a significant housing deficit, which means there is both little choice in the type and size of homes available for people to live in, and the city's housing costs are the most unaffordable of any New Zealand city.

"To help address these issues, Tauranga needs to grow up as well as out, and we have been given strict direction by the Government to enable this."

John Robson, another mayoral candidate, disagrees that the plan change will address the issue of housing affordability.

"The market can't intensify and deliver affordable housing, only more expensive housing."

Fellow candidate Tim Maltby agrees that it might not result in cheaper housing as intended, saying high rises will likely be used as "expensive holiday apartments".

And current deputy mayor and mayoral hopeful Tina Salisbury says she wants to engage communities to understand the best locations for intensifying.

"Intensification and building high-rise apartments cannot come at the expense of quality, resilience, sustainability, and preserving the character of a neighbourhood."



On their last gasp

Posted on 07-06-2024 14:02 | By nerak

this bunch of idiots are determined to cause damage and misery. There is still time for them to stuff something else up in this once neat city. They should no longer hold any power, but sadly... Tolley, pity you didn't forget about Tauranga when you moved to England. But that would never do, the dosh is too good - do you still get $1800 a pop when you can't physically pop your backside on one of OUR chairs?

Airbnb anyone ?

Posted on 08-06-2024 09:19 | By Alfa male

This will help relieve the housing shortage, really ? I expect that instead it will increase the number of holiday homes for rich folk, and add lots of new airbnb’s for Mount Maunganui.

One less...

Posted on 08-06-2024 13:01 | By morepork

"Mayoral candidate Ria Hall, meanwhile, says Plan Change 33 is a housing lifeline for Tauranga City and that opposition to it is regressive and irresponsible." Great, one less to consider when I come to vote. Anyone who agrees with Tolley does not have the qualities I want to represent me.

Arrogance again

Posted on 08-06-2024 16:35 | By Theseus

Unbelievable that Anne etc. Would seek to impose such a major decision at the 12th hour. If anybody thinks it will enable affordable housing they are delusional at best. It will also destroy the uniqueness of the holiday destination. We don't want a Gold Coast lookalike. Arrogance at its worst.

Growing too big

Posted on 08-06-2024 17:12 | By Watchdog

And what do Mana Whenua think about that? Has Ms Tolley et al considered their views?


Posted on 08-06-2024 17:14 | By railwayman

Well all on again with the commissioner think they are the rulers of the city and they do not even live in Tauranga and that is why a lot of people are angered with what is going on. The bills are rolling in and the poor rate payers are having to carry the burden and feel sorry for the new elected people to sort it out and will be years ahead until the council will be in the black .I can tell you all tolly stuffed up Napier when she was deputy mayor and they are still having repercussions even now so look out Tauranga it is your turn .

The master

Posted on 08-06-2024 21:29 | By Ian Stevenson

Obviously the Fab-4 are desperate to do anything to comply with TCC staff desires regardless of the sanity of it, any objections...

Many things should be left until elected members appear @ TCC so as the decisions are ratepayer based and real.

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