Blocked pipe causes wastewarter overflow

The clubroom at Pemberton Park was affected by a wastewater overflow. Photo / Harriet Laughton.

A wastewater overflow caused by a pipe blockage has flooded a Tauranga sports club building.

Wastewater flooded the ground floor of the main garage of the Greerton Cricket/Blue Rovers Football clubrooms at Pemberton Park, affecting sports equipment.

Football club director Chris Ascott told the Bay of Plenty Times on Monday once the equipment is disinfected, they will know if any of it needed to be replaced.

Tauranga City Council drainage services manager Radleigh Cairns says the cause of the overflow was a build-up of fats, oils and grease that blocked a wastewater pipeline. It has now been cleared.

“Fortunately, the overflow did not make it to the stormwater drain. The area inside the building is being cleaned by commercial cleaners to ensure the safety of users and the outside area has been disinfected by council’s contractors.”

Toi Te Ora Public Health has been notified, Cairns says.

He urges households to consider how they dispose of fat and grease to help reduce overflows.

“Most wastewater blockages occur when things are flushed down toilets and sinks that shouldn’t be, like fats and cooking oils or wet wipes.

“Washing leftover fats, oils and grease down your sink can block pipes as it cools and turns hard. Running hot water afterwards just moves the problem further down our wastewater network.”

Cairns says leftover fat, oil and grease should be cooled and binned.

It can be poured into a non-recyclable container or newspaper and put in the rubbish, or cooled fat could be scraped from pots and pans straight into the bin.

Consider adding a strainer to a sink plug to catch food scraps and other solids that could join with fats to create a blockage, he says.

-Bay of Plenty Times.

1 comment

The Master

Posted on 11-06-2024 16:49 | By Ian Stevenson

Is this the same kind of issue that has been reported recently, you know the "Pot Hole" issue around all NZ roads?

Perhaps TCC should have less Bura-rats, less meetings, conferences and trips and instead look to put a bit of money into real things, not palaces and the likes?

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