Rangitāiki River stopbank construction completed

Lower Rangitāiki River. Photo: BOPRC.

Construction on a 1.25km section of Rangitāiki River stopbank next to Thornton Beach Road is now complete.

This upgrade is part of Toi Moana Bay of Plenty Regional Council’s ongoing efforts to maintain flood defences - such as stopbanks and floodwalls - around the region.

The programme of works includes regular monitoring and reviewing of flood protection assets to ensure they are fit for purpose.

The upgrade works included deconstructing and rebuilding the stopbank using a suitable soil, raising its height, culvert upgrades and installing drainage.

Engineering Manager Mark Townsend says the upgraded stopbank will help reduce the impacts of flooding on neighbouring communities and road users.

“Flood protection provides a ‘first line of defence’, which is why the Regional Council continually invests in regular inspection and improvement of flood defences across the rohe.”

Mark says this stretch of stopbank forms part of a wider network of upgraded flood protection along the Rangitāiki River.

“The network includes the Rangitāiki Spillway works, which are currently underway, recently completed Rangitāiki Floodway and Floodwalls in Edgecumbe," says Mark.

“Thank you to the community for their patience as we completed this upgrade, particularly the landowners on Thornton Beach Road.”

The completed stopbank has been covered with a gravel layer to future-proof the infrastructure.

This ensures the stopbank can support potential new developments, making the area more adaptable and durable for different recreational and transportation uses.

1 comment

The Master

Posted on 22-06-2024 15:53 | By Ian Stevenson

I guess it is good that the stop banks are maintained and improved where practical/cost effective.

However, one should always keep in mind that storm vary a lot from event to event, year to year... one only needs to look at the effectiveness and reality of such works on the East Coast last year. One should never take for granted that a stop bank is 100% effective.

It also helps to live/build on solid high ground.

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