Chapel Street pedestrian crossing safety upgrade

Chapel Street pedestrian crossing upgrade to improve safety. Photo supplied.

From Monday, July 1, work will commence on upgrading the pedestrian crossing near the Chapel Street and Maxwells Road intersection to a staggered signalised crossing.

This busy crossing, which spans three lanes of traffic, has experienced numerous near misses in recent years and is a major route for school children.

The upgrade will enhance safety for all road users by improving visibility and reducing vehicle entry speeds.

The new crossing design will allow pedestrians to cross to the median while traffic on one side is at a full stop, before activating the crossing to the other side.

As part of the works, a small section of the connecting pathway on Chapel Street will be widened for shared pedestrian and cyclist use.

Construction is expected to take around eight weeks to complete, ending late August, weather dependent.

Traffic management will be in place to assist traffic flow, including a stop/go system and reduced speed limit of 30km/h on Chapel Street between Marsh Street and Vale Street.

Access between Maxwells Road and Chapel Street may be restricted during certain stages of the work. Various minor detours and lane closures will be in place for the different stages of the work.

Staff will be on site to help pedestrians cross Chapel Street safely and provide guidance to alternative routes during construction hours, particularly around school start and finish times.

For more information, visit



Posted on 29-06-2024 07:24 | By RIP

This is another example of poor design and a poor use of tax payer/rate payer funds. If the planers and engineers used common sense and future the crossing design an underground walkway tunnel would have been used, all users win, traffic flows, and zero risk to pedestrians

I have used this crossing…

Posted on 29-06-2024 13:46 | By Shadow1

…a few times and I have found motorists to be courteous and willing to stop for pedestrians.
I certainly don’t see the point in traffic lights as well as a pedestrian refuge, and definitely not a raised crossing such as those appearing all over Tauranga. As the Mayor of Auckland has stated, a painted crossing is adequate and the difference in cost is huge.
I think the Minister of Local Government has said the same thing. Our City Council appears determined to ignore him on this and other issues.

Good move!

Posted on 29-06-2024 21:53 | By Alfred the first

This is brilliant as currently it’s very dangerous. The number of cyclists that just ride across without properly stopping to wait for traffic stops astounds me.
Next sort out that terrible and dangerous pedestrian crossing at the Bureta Road and Ngatai Rd crossroad, by Kulim Park. If anywhere needs lights, it’s this intersection.

Chapel street crossing

Posted on 30-06-2024 09:26 | By NZoldkiwi

This is typical of our council in recent years, just wasting huge amounts of money on supposedly idealistic things for the good of the community. As for the cyclists doing dumb things at this crossing is no different than any other set of lights in Tauranga as cyclist continue to ignore the lights that apply to them as well as the traffic.

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