School’s back, stay alert while driving - police

Now that school is back for term three, it's important to remember to be extra careful when driving around schools. Photo / 123rf.

School is back for term three and its again time to be extra cautious around schools.

When travelling near a school it is important to take road safety precautions to ensure everyone gets to and from school safely.

“Everyone has an important part to play when it comes to road safety, particularly around schools,” says NZ Police ni a post on Facebook.

“This change aims to make the roads around our schools safer for all road-users.”

A child could run out in front of you without warning, when travelling in schools be extra alert and refrain from becoming distracted, says police.

“Sometimes children can’t be seen if they are behind cars so look under cars for the possibility of feet.

“Be aware that there will be children on the roads cycling to and from school. Give them space and share the road.”

When passing schools reduce your speed to 30km/h. If you are passing a stationary school bus the speed limit is 20km/h.

“Often drop-off and pick-up zones can be crowded before and after school.”

Police advise suggesting a meeting point further down the road as it might be a safer option to avoid congestion around the area.

“Even small increases in speed result in a much greater increase in your stopping distance, and that can mean the difference between life and death for our children.”


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