Community wraps around Pāpāmoa house fire victim

The flames that destroyed the Pāpāmoa house, taking all the owners belongings with it. Photo supplied.

A Givealittle page has been created for the community to support a Pāpāmoa woman who lost her home to a fire.

Emergency services were called to the house fire on Gravatt Rd on the afternoon of July 25.

The homeowner’s friend Vicki has since created a GiveaLittle page, saying her friend’s home was destroyed by an electrical fire.

“A dear friend has lost her home and all her belongings due to a fire in her house,” Vicki explains on the fundraising page.

Vicki is asking for any donations to help her friend get back on her feet.

“As you know, insurance only goes so far. Financial assistance is the best way to help as she is still having to pay her mortgage and will now need to find accommodation to rent while things are being sorted out.”

The funds will be used for clothing, accommodation expenses, furniture and general household items says Vicki.

Within the first four days of the GiveaLittle page, 50 generous people have donated a total of $1870 to help Vicki’s friend.

In a previous article by SunLive, the owner of the house says she can’t believe it has happened. “It’s just so surreal,” she said standing outside her fire torn home.

Fire and emergency services safety investigator, Jon Rewi says the fire took out the whole house. “What’s happened is, it started in the garage, and it’s got into the roof void. It looks fine from the road. It’s not fine.”

“There is smoke damage throughout the rest of the property. There’s also heat damage to the neighbouring house.”

Jon explains that electrical fires can happen to anyone and warns everyone to check their smoke alarms are working and that they have an escape plan.

To donate, visit:āpāmoa -we-need-your-help


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