Help plant today at Welcome Bay

Please come help Pam Thorpe and other Welcome Bay residents get stuck in today, Saturday, August 3 from 10am at Johnson Reserve Care group’s annual planting day. Photo: John Borren.

A group of volunteers who care for Johnson Reserve invites the Welcome Bay community to its biggest ever planting day today, Saturday, August 3, to beautify an area that’s been a public eyesore.

Pam Thorpe says a group of six nearby residents make up the Johnson Reserve Care Group, which voluntarily cares for the reserve.

This time their annual planting day needs a few more hands to make light of the work.

“On Saturday, August 3, we’re planting an area that’s been a public eyesore for a long time, the corner of Welcome Bay Rd and James Cook Drive,” says Pam.

“This steep slope has been covered with invasive weed grass and rubbish for years.

"It’s taken our group two years to clear the site of noxious weeds and rubbish to prepare for planting, and now the big day is drawing close. Now we’re ready for planting."

Pam says they have more than 1000 plants that are being provided by Bay of Plenty Regional Council.

“All plantings are native – on the top it will be low-growing species because it’s a very steep bank and we want something that will scramble and cover it quickly; as we cascade downwards we’ll have slightly taller native shrubs but nothing above 3m in height.”

Pam says the group has been working the reserve for more than 20 years “and this weekend is the biggest planting we will have done”.

“This is part of our annual work – and we’d love the community to come along, help with the planting and be part of this major reserve improvement.”

Johnson Reserve Care group’s annual planting day – at the corner of Welcome Bay Rd and James Cook Drive – is Saturday, August 3, from 10am.

Those keen to help need to bring gloves, strong footwear, water, a snack and a spade if they have one handy.

1 comment


Posted on 03-08-2024 17:40 | By overit

Thank you team, great job.

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