Community urged to report suspicious hunting

Unlawful hunting puts other people who may be in the area at risk, and could have potentially fatal consequences, says a statement from NZ Police.

As the winter hunting season is coming to a close this month, police are urging the public to report suspicious hunting activity.

Unlawful hunting puts other people who may be in the area at risk, and could have potentially fatal consequences, says a statement from NZ Police.

"While Police work hard to make our community safer, we cannot do this alone and need the public’s help.

"If you see suspicious hunting activity happening, call police on 111 with as much detail as you can safely gather."

Recently in NZ, police had a great result where a member of the public reported a man walking beside State Highway 6 near Woodstock-Rimu Road at around 10.30pm.

Police attended to find a man with a fresh deer carcass.

After speaking with the man, follow up enquiries led police to his vehicle where a hunting rifle and thermal scope were seized, says a police spokesperson.

"The man later admitted to unlawfully shooting the wild deer on the side of the road."

A police spoksperson says officers are committed to investigating reports of unlawful hunting, and we hope holding this man to account reassures our rural community of that.

Information can also be provided through 105 and anonymously through Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.


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