Chinese mid-autumn celebration

Tauranga members Shasha Wang, Shuhua Yang, Ping Wang and Hui Xu welcome all to the Mid-Autumn Festival on August 16. Photo: John Borren.

The New Zealand China Friendship Society is looking forward to its Mid-Autumn Festival Gala on Friday, August 16 – and it’s inviting everyone to get involved!

The theme of the event at Baycourt is ‘Full Moon, Full Heart’ which symbolises the importance family and inclusivity, the core values of the Mid-Autumn Festival.

“In the past, we’ve invited Māori performances to be part of our celebration and this year we’ve invited the Indian community to perform for the first time, but we always welcome people of all ethnicities to join us,” says NZCFS Tauranga president Tina Zhang.

The audience will enjoy a diverse range of dancing, singing, music and a lively festival atmosphere ranging from classic mid-autumn songs to modern pop music and featuring traditional Chinese musical instruments such as the guzheng.

NZCFS Tauranga member Shuhua Yang can’t wait to share her culture at the Mid-Autumn Festival on August 16. Photo: John Borren.

Tina says the Mid-Autumn Festival gala is not just a grand gathering of artistic performances but also an opportunity for communities and the public to celebrate together.

“The event is free for everyone,” says Tina.

“We welcome people of all ages to come together on this day.”

Through the gala, the society hopes people not only appreciate beautiful performances but also feel the strength of community unity which allows ancient traditions to flourish in modern society.

The NZ Chinese Friendship Society Mid-Autumn Festival Gala is Friday, August 16, from 6pm-8pm at Baycourt Community & Arts Centre, 38 Durham St, Tauranga.

Entry is free, but attendees are asked to register on the Baycourt website.



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