Rugby teen needs support to get to US

James Haua. Photo: John Borren.

A Tauranga rugby player who has secured a partially-funded scholarship to play the game in the US is on the fundraising home straight to get to an Ohio university at the end of this month.

James Haua, who plays for Rangataua Rugby and Sports Club, was spotted by Rio Grande University scouts when playing rugby in his club’s Under-19s team in 2023′s Tampa 7s tournament in Florida.

James’ father Grant Haua, a well-known Tauranga musician, says James was recognised when he scored in the top 10 in all combined tests, and received multiple offers from scouts.

James, 19, has chosen a scholarship that will see him play rugby for the University of Rio Grande and study on campus for two semesters, says Grant, starting at the end of August.

“They are offering 50% payment on tuition. That includes accommodation, full access to all sports facilities, study costs, food, transfers, but most importantly an opportunity to experience the American sporting and academic culture.”

Own pocket

The other half has to come out of James’ pocket – so Grant recently ran a concert fundraiser at Rangataua Rugby and Sports Club – which both have played for.

Held on July 27, the night raised $5700. With fundraising efforts and savings, James has raised $24,000. So he has $6000 left to raise to meet his $30,000 target.

James started playing rugby at 7 at Rangataua while attending Welcome Bay Primary School and Tauranga Intermediate. “At Tauranga Intermediate, he represented the school at the Tai Mitchell Tournament for 2016 and 2017,” Grant says.

James Haua running down a field. Photo: John Borren.
James Haua running down a field. Photo: John Borren.

James then went to Tauranga Boys’ College, and was in their First XV in 2021 and 2022, receiving his cap in 2022 when he graduated and went to work with his father.

Since school, he has been working with Grant on roofing and fencing jobs while playing rugby. Last year he played in the BOP Under-19s team and Rangataua’s Premier team. This year he again played for his club’s premier squad.

A golden opportunity

Grant says James and his family regard the US scholarship as “a golden opportunity for our boy to embrace the experience of the American system in both a sporting and academic environment”.

“USA is a sleeping giant in regards to rugby but the systems whereby they nurture young talent regarding NBA, NFL, MLB, swimming, gymnastics etc are the finest in the world,” Grant says.

“It can only be a good thing for our boy to see what it takes in professional sports in the USA.

“James’ course has players from all over the world - South Africa, Australia, Ireland, England, to name a few.”

Grant has a few more fundraisers up his sleeve, including a trolley run at New World Gate Pa, but if people want to make a donation to help get James to the US, they can donate to account: 02-0466-0139020-001.

James says: “If anyone would like to give a koha you are more than welcome – nga mihi.”

- SunLive


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