Grammy Award-winning violinist performs in Rotorua

Grammy Award-winning violinist Augustin Hadelich will peform with the NZSO for the first time in Rotorua on August 27. Photo: Supplied.

One of the world’s most exciting violinists is performing for the first time in Rotorua with the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra on August 27.

Grammy Award-winner Augustin Hadelich will perform Tchaikovsky’s beloved Violin Concerto with the NZSO led by acclaimed Finnish conductor Dima Slobodeniouk.

Augustin mesmerised New Zealanders when he first played with the NZSO in 2018. The Waikato Times described experiencing the American-German violinist in Hamilton that year as so powerful “it had some members of the audience in tears.”

American critics have likened him to a rock star. “Hadelich wielded his axe, a 1723 Stradivarius, as a guitar god handles his Stratocaster, spinning a complex, emotional story on his violin.”

For a performance last month with the Los Angeles Philharmonic on a 1744 ‘del Gesu’ violin, “Hadelich laid it down like a boss,” says

Augustin said in an interview this year that he never tires of performing Tchaikovsky’s Violin Concerto because he always returns to it after playing other music.

“It’s an exhilarating, intense experience. I think people can feel that, and I walk off stage excited, thinking it was an incredible experience for me.”

This month Warner Classics release a new Hadelich album American Road Trips, with the violinist performing works by American composers, including Leonard Bernstein, Aaron Copland, Amy Beach and John Adams.

Augustin performs in the NZSO concert Pastoral in Rotorua and Hamilton, and Le Mer in Wellington and Auckland, in association with New Zealand Herald.

Dima Slobodeniouk. Photo: Supplied.

In Rotorua the NZSO under Maestro Slobodeniouk also perform Beethoven’s magnificent Sixth Symphony Pastoral, the great composer’s much-loved celebration of the countryside and nature.

Hailed for his exhilarating approach and energetic leadership by musicians and audiences alike, Maestro Slobodeniouk is one of the most sought-after conductors of his generation.

His many conducting engagements include the New York Philharmonic, Boston Symphony Orchestra, London Symphony Orchestra, Berliner Philharmoniker and Gewandhausorchester Leipzig.

Tickets are available via

Augustin Hadelich appears with generous support from Susan and Donald Best.

Pastoral: Beethoven & Tchaikovsky in association with New Zealand Herald



TCHAIKOVSKY Violin Concerto

BEETHOVEN Symphony No. 6 Pastoral

ROTORUA | Sir Howard Morrison Centre | Tuesday August 27 7.30pm

KIRIKIRIROA HAMILTON | Globox Arena Claudelands | Friday August 30 7.30pm

Le Mer: Tchaikovsky, Sibelius & Debussy in association with New Zealand Herald



NIELSEN Helios Overture

TCHAIKOVSKY Violin Concerto

SIBELIUS The Oceanides

DEBUSSY La Mer               

TE WHANGANUI-A-TARA WELLINGTON | Michael Fowler Centre | Friday August 23 6.30pm

TĀMAKI MAKAURAU AUCKLAND | Town Hall | Thursday August 29 7.30pm




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