Testing the temperature of the city

Peter Martin. Photo: John Borren.

As the new council got underway, we asked Kulim Park visitors if they wante to see decisions made by the Commissioners reversed by the new council?

And if so, what? Or are they happy with what the Commissioners got done? And what do they want to see the new council achieve? Here’s what some park-goers had to say.

As the new council got underway, we asked Kulim Park visitors if they wanted to see decisions made by the Commissioners reversed by the new council, and if so, what. Or are they happy with what the Commissioners got done? And what do they want to see the new council achieve? Here’s what some park-goers had to say.

When asked if he wanted any Commissioner-made decisions reversed by the new council, Peter Martin says “No, I don’t think so. We just need this council to straighten things up a little bit.”

Peter believes nothing needs changing from the Commissioners’ reign “but the problem seems to be policies set out by Central Government that Local Government has to follow. And I think there is too much green influence in that stuff…”

Elise Rohde. Photo: John Borren.
Elise Rohde. Photo: John Borren.

Elise Rohde wants to see work on CBD streets reversed by the new council. “It’s very difficult to get around. I don’t go down there. There is nowhere to park and nothing to see.”

Elise says the CBD business owners are getting “butchered”. “I was talking to a CBD business owner the other day and it’s just awful. The amount of pressure they’ve been under is just insane. It’s a real shame. “I’m sure it [the CBD] will be good in three-to-five years – but what have we done to help them [CBD business owners]?

Jessica Douglas. Photo: John Borren.
Jessica Douglas. Photo: John Borren.

Jessica Douglas thinks what the Commissioners have done “is great”. “I think the museum is great..I love what they’ve done over at the Mount, putting money into parks and families – so hopefully the new council keep that up.”

And she’d like to see the new council create more things for teenagers too in Tauranga. “The Tauranga side, it would be good if there was more for the bigger kids to do. There’s a bit of negativity around ‘they do this, they do that’ but where are they supposed to go and do and increase their skills?”

Bev Cameron. Photo: John Borren.
Bev Cameron. Photo: John Borren.

Bev Cameron says the Commissioners’ plan to build a new waterfront playground and close the carpark to make a green area “is a waste of money”. “I don’t know [if the area should revert back] but I think it should be something better than what they have planned.”

She wants the new council to make more CBD carparks. “I mean look at that building next to Harrington House – how long before that goes and we can actually use it? 2018 it started and look at us.”

Robert Holford. Photo: John Borren.
Robert Holford. Photo: John Borren.

Robert Holford is not keen on the Mount planning rules that got the nod from the Commissioners. “Bigger high-rise buildings are going to ruin the Mount. It’s quite boutique. I’d like to see the rules kept to low-rise buildings. These six-storey buildings will make it like the Gold Coast.”

But he’s happy with the extended walkway along Marine Parade. “That is brilliant.” He’d like the new council to “reign in staff numbers a bit”. “They’re out of control,” says Robert, who admits he used to work for the council himself for 35 years.

- SunLive


The Master

Posted on 24-08-2024 17:06 | By Ian Stevenson

Generally seems to be public support for the Fabb-4... all the "Nice to haves".

I wonder if they realise that even TCC plans to hike rates by 164% by 2034 to pay for it all... by that I mean just the interest on the massive amount of debt.

TCC has not plan to pay off any debt? NONE!!!

Come on

Posted on 25-08-2024 18:30 | By an_alias

If you wanted actual opinion how about putting all the facts to the people and asking if they are happy with the highest rates going forward of any place in NZ.
We have had no say and no one is still listening

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