Median barrier work to cease on SH2

Residents have been protesting median barrier installation on Sh2 for a number of months.

The NZ Transport Agency Board has confirmed that further median barrier work will no longer proceed on the remaining two sections of State Highway 2 between Waihī and Ōmokoroa.

Median barriers will no longer be installed betweenthe Matahui/Lockington roundabout and Wharawhara Road, or between Morton Road and Pahoia/Esdaile Road. 

This follows a review of the scope of the safety improvements project in this area, NZTA Chief Executive Nicole Rosie says.

“The NZTA Board has decided the best way forward for the safety improvement project is to complete the two further roundabouts and wide centrelines, maintaining all right-turning movements on remaining intersections along the corridor, but not to continue with the remainder of the median barrier installation.

“The Board recommended the speed limit on this section of SH2 to remain 80km/h. All other improvements will remain.

“This decision addresses the concerns we have heard about local travel impacts and turning access and recognises the unique circumstances of this section of SH2- specifically that local roads connect to the state highway with no alternate routes and significant distances before turning opportunities.” 

Around 15,000 vehicles travel this section of state highway every day, and this will continue to grow. 

A large proportion of the daily traffic movements is associated with the many local businesses in the area and local residents going about their daily lives. 

“The many competing demands on this section of state highway need to be balanced to ensure this critical corridor remains safe and efficient.” 

NZTA estimates that when completed the project will deliver a 44 per cent reduction in deaths and serious injuries. 

The Board’s decision reflects priorities in the Government Policy Statement for land transport 2024 (GPS) which is to support economic growth, through efficient investment in our land transport system to quickly and safely connect people and freight.  

Now that the Board has made its decision, NZTA will work through the detail, including cost and timeframes of what this means for the project and when these changes can be implemented. 

“We are aware there are a range of views in the community about this issue and that not everyone will be satisfied with the Board’s decision, but we ask everyone to show respect for our front-line team as they complete this project.”

The Board has determined this approach appropriately balances travel impacts for local journeys and safety for all road users.  

Coromandel MP Scott Simpson 

The NZ Transport Agency’s decision to cease further median barrier work along State Highway 2 between Omokoroa and Waihi is a victory for common sense, says National MP for Coromandel Scott Simpson.

“After announcing in July that they were reconsidering their approach to road safety on SH2, NZTA’s Board has confirmed that further median barrier work will not proceed on this stretch of highway.

"Instead, they will progress the two roundabouts and wider centrelines, which strikes a better balance between travel impacts and road safety.

“This news will delight many local residents who have been worried about the impact these median barriers would have on their lives since NZTA announced their original plan.

“I have been working with residents to push NZTA to consider a more practical solution. It has not been easy, but the community has never wavered in their opposition to median barriers.

"Thank you to everyone who has done their bit to ensure their voice was heard and this outcome was achieved.

“I am delighted that common sense has prevailed.”


Well, well, well.

Posted on 23-08-2024 15:19 | By Justin T.

Just goes to show:
Not all protests are pointless.
Not all Bureaucrats are deaf and blind. Maybe just a little hard of hearing.
Well done locals!
Now all we have to do is sort out the uneducated drivers.


Posted on 23-08-2024 19:06 | By OG-2024

NOW, it is on residents and drivers/ road users to demonstrate that they can safely navigate this area without accidents etc.
Don't give a reason to regret sanity taking hold.

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