Tauranga boat ramp fees canned

Parking for boat trailers near the Pilot Bay, Sulphur Point and Whareroa Reserve boat ramps will be free again. Photo / John Borren


Parking charges for boat trailers in Tauranga have been canned less than two months after they were introduced.

Since July 1 it has cost $20 per day – or $200 for a residents-only annual pass – to park a boat trailer near the Pilot Bay, Sulphur Point and Whareroa Reserve boat ramps.

The charges were put in place by the commission that ran Tauranga City Council until July and were intended to fund boat ramp maintenance and upgrades.

The fees were not popular with many boaties and in June Bevan Harington presented the council with a petition against them signed by 1864 people.

Boat ramp charges were among topics the newly elected council discussed on Monday in a meeting that lasted more than eight hours.

The council decided to can the charges and agreed to refund about $109,000 from annual pass purchases.

General manager community services Barbara Dempsey says the aim was to find a balance between users paying and ratepayer contributions.

During consultation the split between those for and against the charges was 50/50, she says.

Pilot Bay boat ramp car park.
Pilot Bay boat ramp car park.

Staff recommended keeping the fees but allowing people from outside Tauranga to buy an annual pass and having an exemption for Community Services cardholders.

A man in the public gallery called out that the charges were a “disgrace” and “ruining businesses”.

“Lots and lots of businesses I’ve spoken to says people are not coming to Tauranga and buying bait and fishing gear.”

He questioned why boaties had to pay when other facilities were free.

Others in the audience continued heckling, and Mayor Mahé Drysdale says those disrupting the meeting would be asked to leave if they did not stop.

Councillor Rick Curach says he and his three neighbours owned boats for recreation and it was great for their mental health.

There were other recreational facilities that ratepayers contributed to without the council collecting user fees, he says.

“Why pick on the people that want to use water as their recreation?”

 Councillor Steve Morris wanted the fees 'chucked off the end of the wharf'. Photo / Alisha Evans
Councillor Steve Morris wanted the fees 'chucked off the end of the wharf'. Photo / Alisha Evans

Councillor Steve Morris says there had been an “unfair regime” in the past where council “played favourites” with who was charged.

“I want the boat ramps fees chucked off the end of the wharf, dead, and sleeping with the fishes.”

Taupō's boat ramp fee was $6 and those facilities were “superior” to many of the facilities around Tauranga, says Steve.

Mahé says a lot of community members paid user fees including people who used the indoor courts.

The council needed to be very careful because if they cut boat ramp fees then why would they not cut all the fees for Bay Venues community facilities, he says.

“I absolutely support user fees. I don’t support them being larger than what they’re paying for.”

He saysthe council was doing $6 million of boat ramp renewals and the boat ramp fees were not going to cover that.

Mayor Mahé Drysdale said he supported people paying for the facilities they used. Photo / Alisha Evans
Mayor Mahé Drysdale says he supported people paying for the facilities they used. Photo / Alisha Evans

There were other free boat ramps in the city people could use, says Mahé.

The council had collected $126,060 from the parking charges – mostly from the 548 resident passes purchased – since July 1.

Councillor Hautapu Baker says removing the fees would open up a can of worms for users of other facilities.

He suggested making the fees lower because $20 a day or $200 annually was “ridiculous”.

Mahé says he supported reducing the charges but not “scrapping them altogether”.

“People should contribute towards things that they use.”

Councillor Rod Taylor says removing the fees would set a precedent.

The council would have basketball in next week asking to have their fees removed and a long list behind them, he predicted.

- LDR is local body journalism co-funded by RNZ and NZ On Air.


Boat ramp fees gone

Posted on 28-08-2024 13:30 | By Jaycee

Of course, if you were a boatie why would you not object to paying a fee to launch your tinnie. But boaties' have a point; people don't pay to use other council public recreational facilities like parks, libraries, new coastal walkways etc, so why single out boat ramps? One reason is boating is a discrectionary activity but so are most things. Remember the Commissioners backed down on user pays for sports grounds so if they had remained, they would have had no choice but to scrap this one as well. Good job.

stuck on stupid

Posted on 30-08-2024 23:14 | By Mak

The problem i have is where does the greed of council stop. We all pay enormous rates which are supposed to cover maintenance in our community. The costs to maintain our community is so outrageous it's laughable. If you have ever asked why our councils keep looking for more money from the people that live here an example of incredible squandering of taxpayer money Maunganui Road from Hewlett's road to New World at any given time you can observe Fulton Hogan workers just doing nothing not one or two this afternoon i observed 12 workers doing exactly that nothing every single day you can see this kind of thing all over Tauranga .Many of these projects have caused more congestion more frustration hurting businesses and costing millions I want to see audits of all the main contractors by an independent company

The fee was not the problem

Posted on 01-09-2024 10:42 | By Lvdw

Wake up TCC. The paying of a fee was not the issue at hand. It’s paying ‘per trailer’ - absolute bull right there. Just like ACC charges on fuel - if you have a tinnie for family outings and a Jetski for fishing you get pinged twice even though you only use one at a time! It should be like everywhere else ‘pay per vehicle’. Then they realised despite segregating the parking at Sulphur Point, the freedom campers just ignored, it as did the ‘recreational ‘vehicle drivers at Pilot Bay boat parking. So please pay for parking but they don’t enforce it as boats only parking spaces. Hmm. All should Pay-To-Use or nobody pay at all. Stop the money grab! Listen to your actual residents. They are at the coal face. Unlike some that live in Auckland but work in Tauranga. Just saying …

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