Security warning after Te Puke burglaries

The Te Puke district has seen 10 burglaries in the past fortnight.

There have been 10 burglaries in the district over the past couple of weeks.

Three of these have been in Te Puke with the others in Maketū and Pukehina Beach.

In Pukehina, several holiday homes have been burgled and by and large, most of them have occurred at night.

It’s an opportune time to ask residents and neighbours to be vigilant and keep an eye out for any suspicious behaviour or usual vehicle activity.

Make a note of registration numbers and a description of people involved.

If an incident is in progress, call 111 or if there is less urgency, call 105 to make a report.

With the weather improving, it’s timely to do a home security check of things like windows, security lights, and locks on sheds.

Windows are more likely to be open, so ideally should have security stays fitted. Make a point of checking they are closed before you go out.

Also, because people are enjoying the better weather, there’s a chance bikes, surfboards, surf skis, lawnmowers, hedge trimmers etc are being used more.

They are not always being put away and are being left out and visible. Some people see that as an opportunity to come onto your property and steal them. It’s great that we are able to get outside more, but that could be ruined by possessions being stolen.

A 42-year-old Te Puke local has been arrested and charged with firearms offences after an alleged altercation with a neighbour. The incident resulted in a Te Puke street being cordoned off.

The 42-year-old is due to appear in court this week.

-Te Puke Times.


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