Police warning: Beware of unexpected parcels

When the recipient opens the package there is a QR code to scan which allows the offender to access information on your phone, says Police.

Police are warning the public to be aware that a gift parcel scam operating overseas could also find its way to New Zealand.

"Police are aware of a recent overseas rise in scams which involve an unexpected package being sent to addresses with a gift and a QR code inside," says a police spokesperson.

"Police believe this scamming method could find its way to New Zealand and we are urging people to be vigilant."

The gift will have the recipients address, but not include the sender's information or be from a known retailer.

When the recipient opens the package to see what it is and possibly who sent it, there is a QR code to scan to find out who sent the gift.

"The QR code allows the offenders to then access any and all data on your phone or device you used to scan the code, including financial information such as your bank account login details, and personal data.

"Police are urging anyone who receives one of these gifts not to scan the QR code, the gift can either be kept or discarded, but do not scan the QR code."

Please report information to Police online at https://www.police.govt.nz/use-105 or call Police on 105.


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