Pāpāmoa Hill Challenge for charity

Event organiser Steven Jensen on Pāpāmoa Hills. Photo suppled.

People are encouraged to get in their daily steps while contributing to charity with Pāpāmoa Lions Club’s fundraiser.

Pāpāmoa Lions Club is fundraising so that the Pāpāmoa Fire Brigade can purchase an all-terrain vehicle for responses along Pāpāmoa Beach and other rural areas inaccessible to an appliance.

This fundraiser involves The Flying Mullet Papamoa Hill Challenge, where participants walk up Pāpāmoa Hills 10 times over the course of five weeks.

This challenge begins at 9am on Sunday, October 6, and runs for a month ending at 12pm on November 9.

“This is the first year that the Pāpāmoa Lions Club are holding this event, however, we are looking at making it an annual fundraising event,” said Pāpāmoa Lions Club fundraiser organiser Steven Jensen.

“While the hill challenge is a fundraising event, it is also about motivating people to exercise and for that reason, it’s not a race and people are encouraged to participate.”

Jensen said it doesn’t matter is you can’t walk to the top, “Just go as far as you can and by the 10th time you do the walk, your fitness will have improved, and you will get further up the hill”.

“The ATV is for the brigade to respond to some of the unique areas we have in Pāpāmoa including the beach or coastline, noting 7km of undeveloped coastline down to the Kaituna cut, rural areas in the Pāpāmoa Hills and walkways through council reserves, etc.”

Jensen said these areas are not accessible to its standard response appliances.

“Currently there is no specific response capacity available across the Pāpāmoa.

“If specialist off-road vehicles are required, these will be responding from out of town therefore can expect a 1-2 hour delay before being in scene.”

He said the purchase will be made from Action Equipment, with their view to support a local business.

The selected ATV is a Ranger Polaris 570, a four-seater to carry an operator and a 2–3-person crew, and/or a patient.

“It will also have capacity to carry a rescue stretcher, or firefighting equipment.”

Jensen said the typical feedback they are receiving from people about the fundraiser so far has been that it’s a great idea and a good cause.

“It’ll be good for me to schedule regular walks up the hills, thanks for the chance to support this and kickstart a better habit,” said a local regarding the fundraiser.

Mayor Mahé Drysdale and local MP Tom Rutherford will be attending the opening of the event.

The target of the event is to raise $60,000 while locals enjoy the thrilling adventure at the Pāpāmoa Hills Regional Park.

So, lace up your sneakers and get ready to conquer the hills with fellow outdoor enthusiasts.

Whether you’re a seasoned trail runner or just looking for a fun challenge, this event is perfect for all levels.

Get ready to tackle the steep Papamoa Hill while dodging flying mullets in this adrenaline-pumping challenge.

To register, visit the Eventbrite website and head to “The Flying Mullet Walking Challenge” page.

There is a $30 registration fee, entries are already well in excess of 100, and while the first 100 entries received a free T-shirt, participants can still order a souvenir walking challenge T-shirt for $25.

All participants who register will go into the draw at the end of the event to win spot prizes, including $500 cash, a $500 travel voucher, meal vouchers, a one-month gym membership and numerous other spot prizes.

The spot prizes will be drawn at the Lions Market at the Lions Market Gordon Spratt reserve Pāpāmoa at 10am On Sunday, November 10.



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