Every whoopsie helps a mate

People are being urged to support Blue September anyway they can. Supplied photo.

Be a good ba$tard: Blue September wants Kiwis to ‘swear like a trooper’ to support the thousands of Kiwis impacted by prostate cancer.

Cuss. Expletive. Swear – whatever you call it, there’s no doubt that New Zealand is a nation of swearers. Even one of our most famous global moments involved a well-placed curse, with Sir Edmund Hillary proclaiming he ‘knocked the ba$tard off’ after ascending Everest.

This Blue September, Prostate Cancer Foundation NZ wants you to get behind their biggest fundraising event of the year by hosting a Blue Do, texting to donate or setting up a swear jar at your office, sports club or man cave.

Every time you say something ‘blue’, put in a donation or a token in the jar and you’ll help provide vital support to patients and families affected by prostate cancer. The foundation’s chief executive Peter Dickens hopes Kiwis will fail miserably, but all in aid of a good cause.

“We’ve got an army of supporters who hold Blue Dos throughout the country but this year we added the virtual swear jar as an extra way to raise much needed funds,” he sayid. “With no government support the funds raised are vital in ensuring we can be there when we’re needed the most.”

Swearing can be therapeutic, and an expressive form of communication that can even help lessen pain and form bonds between people, so there’s a fit with swearing and difficult times in our lives.

Blue Do events are another way people can help raise money for the Prostate Cancer Foundation.
Blue Do events are another way people can help raise money for the Prostate Cancer Foundation.

“A lot of men also avoid visiting their GP, only waiting until symptoms are extreme, and by then it can be too late. So, talking about your health, with your family or a health professional can be the crucial step toward an early diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer.”

For those who aren’t big swearers or sensitive to cultural considerations or children, why not swap a swear for a list of common cliché office or sports phrases and every time you use them, pop a donation in the jar. Alternatively, text ‘BLUE’ to 2449 or scan the QR code to make an instant $3 donation to Prostate Cancer Foundation NZ.

One in eight dads, brothers, sons or best mates will be affected by prostate cancer and we need you help to support them. Any blue will do!

Find out more at www.blueseptember.org.nz



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