Tauranga MP participates in Fortress 40 challenge

Tauranga Boys' College 2024 prefects ready for Fortress 40. Photo supplied.

Tauranga MP Sam Uffindell will be joining the six Tauranga Boys’ College prefects for 90 minutes of the 40-hour challenge to raise awareness for mens’ mental health.

Six Tauranga Boys’ College prefects have set themselves the challenge to endure almost two days of non-stop exercise to raise awareness for men’s mental health.

They’ve named the challenge Fortress 40 – Fortress being a nickname for Tauranga Boys’ College, and 40 being the number of hours they will endure.

“This is all about helping as many people as they can to talk about their struggles with mental health,” said Uffindell.

This year, Tauranga MP Sam Uffindell will be joining the boys around lunchtime on Friday 20, to show support for them and the cause.

“Last year, six Tauranga Boys’ College prefects started a 40-hour endurance event to raise money for Mens’ Mental Health,” said Tauranga MP Sam Uffindell.

This year, six more of their current prefects are continuing the legacy and will be doing the same 40-hour endurance challenge on September 20-21.

"I picked them up at 3.15am and they were fill of energy and great spirits," said Tauranga Boys’ College chemistry teacher Gemma Cook.

She said the original six prefects who founded Fortress 40 have all come back from university to support them and all 12 of them are loving it. 

Tauranga Boys' College 2024 and 2023 prefects prepared to start the Fortress 40 earlier this morning. Photo supplied.

“It’s about putting a visible, tangible thing of 40 hours of physical struggle and mental struggle to raise awareness for this invisible issue of mental health,” said Deputy Head Prefect Jack Muir.

“We want people seeing that, and seeing it’s okay to go through those struggles.”

Uffindell said these boys are putting themselves into a very vulnerable situation and will need to rely on each other to get them through.

He said the college students hope it will inspire others to speak up and reach out.

Tauranga Boys' College 2024 prefects ready for Fortress 40. Photo supplied.

The six prefects are Michael van Lieshout, Jack Muir, Jake Stott, Harley Gardiner, Gabe Roberts and Seb Heath.

The 40 hours of endurance will contain running, gym sessions, surf torture, carrying logs along Mount Main Beach, running up and around the Mount, rowing ergs and bike sessions.

Tauranga MP Sam Uffindell will be joining them from 12pm-1:30pm on Friday to support the prefects in their mission.

He will be joining them for 90 minutes of the surf torture, meeting by the showers at Mount Surf Club.

“From what I understand we are getting smashed by the waves for 10 minutes, running up and down Main Beach carrying a log and repeating this until the end of that session.”

Tauranga Boys' College 2024 and 2023 prefects prepared to start the Fortress 40 earlier this morning. Photo supplied.

This isn’t the first time Uffindell has tested his endurance to support mental health.

Late last year, Uffindell participated in a challenge that involved running up Mount Maunganui in gumboots and speedos to raise funding and awareness for mental health and support the work of Gumboot Friday.

“Mental health impacts many young people and as a community and a country we need to work together to address it.”

That is why Uffindell has signed himself up for this challenge as well.

“Mental Health is a huge hill we need to climb but together we will focus on increasing access to mental health and addiction support, growing the mental health and addiction workforce, strengthening the focus on prevention and early intervention, and improving the effectiveness of mental health and addiction support.

“I have full admiration for these fine young men, putting themselves under immense mental pressure for 40 hours in a selfless effort to raise awareness for mens’ mental health,” said Uffindell.

One of the prefects stated that they are physically testing themselves to the limit. They said it’s not something they can train for physically, so it’s a mental challenge to see if you can get through to the other side.

Tauranga Boys' College 2023 prefects completing the surf torture session. Photo supplied.

Fortress 40 was founded last year by 2023 prefects, led by Kane McBrydie.

Jack Muir noted, they “Want to make it a tradition and a legacy”.

Supportively the 2023 prefects are coming back to Tauranga to support them this year.

Jack said it’s “Absolutely wicked the guys are coming back this year and it means a lot to have their support. We will be right by their side next year”.

Gisborne BHS, Napier BHS, Palmerston North BHS and Rotorua BHS are joining forces with them this year.

This will add to the effect of the event and help to spread that awareness and get more people talking.

“Being involved with rugby, we go out and play with them every week in Super 8,” said Prefect Gabe Roberts.

“The Super 8 connection shows the connection and that they’re willing to stand with us as brothers and do the same thing as we do.”

Tauranga Boys' College prefects at the top of Mauao. Photo supplied.

Head Prefect Michael van Lieshout said it’s more important than ever to raise awareness about mental health.

“More and more people are suffering from mental health, so to raise more awareness about that and to foster an environment where people feel like they can express their feelings and stuff is really important,” said van Lieshout.

Uffindell said he is concerned about the growing issue of mental health in youths.

“We know youth mental health has deteriorated significantly over the years,” said Uffindell.

“I believe their efforts help raise awareness and encourage men, especially young men, to be more open and discuss their mental health challenges.

“This is a huge challenge in our society, they have my full support, and I am very grateful to be able to join them for a short part of their 40-hour journey.”

Amongst the support the prefects have received from Tauranga MP Sam Uffindell. They have also received a lot of support from the local community to help them to achieve this challenge, said teacher Mrs Cook.

Füel Me – a local Tauranga company – has donated essential nutritional and hydration supplements.

“Danny Redwood from Barfoot & Thompson Omokoroa has also provided a wonderful donation to ensure the boys have all the equipment they need for the 40hrs.

“They have had the support of Liz Van Welie Aquatics pool for the past two years as well as Mount Surf Club as the main location outside of school.

“Seña Pictures (Director is Harry Oram) will also be doing a short film this year to promote men’s mental health awareness.

“The 6 prefects have also been fundraising doing sausage sizzles as well.”


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