Potential third medical school moves to next phase

Minister of Health Dr Shane Reti. Photo / Alex Burton

The cost-benefit analysis of establishing a third medical school at the University of Waikato has concluded and will move to the next step.

“Earlier this year, the Ministry of Health signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the University around a potential third school and began working through the necessary steps to ensure the best training model could be developed,” Minister of Health Dr Shane Reti said. 

The proposal will now move to a full business case before any final decisions are made, said Dr Reti.

 “The cost-benefit analysis is encouraging. However, there is still a significant amount of material to be considered and assumptions to be tested around this major project.”

The completion of the business case will take some time according to Dr Reti and that the Minstry of Health will work closely with Waikato.

  “Any further announcements can be expected following the completion of the business case. This will be thorough and expected to take some time.”

Reti said increasing the number of homegrown health professionals will ensure that all New Zealanders have timely access to healthcare.

“New Zealanders have been facing longer delays in accessing healthcare, and tackling our workforce crisis is key to solving that issue.”

“However stats also tell us that many GPs are planning to retire in the next 10 years, which will particularly impact provincial and rural communities already experiencing New Zealand’s biggest doctor shortages.”

New Zealand’s two existing medical schools, the University of Auckland and Otago, have benefited from increased enrolments because they offer a medical pathway for students. 

“New Zealand’s existing medical schools at the University of Auckland and the University of Otago are top quality and have immediately benefited from increased places at both universities this year.”

The new medical school would focus on primary care and rural communites, according to Dr Reti.

 “The model proposed is a four-year graduate entry programme focused on rural and primary and community care,” he said.


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