NZ fishing season opens October 1

Grab a licence, rod and lure and go explore. Photo / Richie Cosgrove

With the 2024/25 fishing season officially starting on Tuesday, October 1, anglers across New Zealand are gearing up for what promises to be a spectacular start.

Fish & Game New Zealand chief executive Corina Jordan said staff were reporting healthy fish in rivers and lakes around the country.

“The winter has been kind to our fisheries and spawning surveys undertaken by our staff indicate that many of our fisheries are in excellent health,” said Jordan.

“We’re expecting hundreds of anglers to cast their lines into the country’s lakes and rivers. It’s great news for kids as the season starts during the first week of the school holidays – it’s a fantastic way to keep them entertained over the break.”

Fish & Game manages trout, salmon, and game birds and helps New Zealanders connect with nature and experience the many benefits fishing and hunting offers.

“We work to protect the environment that anglers and hunters have enjoyed as a tradition for over 150 years.”

Jordan said fishing is not just an excellent opportunity to catch healthy free-range kai, but it’s recognised internationally for its positive impact on mental health and wellbeing.

“Angling is also great for socialising with friends and family and supports the economy,” said Jordan.

“Many anglers travel great distances to fish waterways they have developed a deep connection to.”

Jordan said Fish & Game New Zealand expects to sell around 130,000 licences this season, with approximately 10% going to international anglers.

“Don’t miss out, jump online and grab a licence so you can make the most of the whole season.”

- SunLive


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