Fine weather and fat fish start fishing season

Graham Russell of Geraldine, who fished the Waitaki on Tuesday and caught a brown trout. Supplied photos.

Mild, overcast weather and healthy fish in rivers and lakes across the country gave anglers a great start to the fishing season.

Fish & Game New Zealand chief executive Corina Jordan said regions were reporting happy anglers and lots of families out for the season opening on Tuesday, which coincides with the first week of school holidays.

“Fishing is not just an excellent opportunity to catch your own healthy free-range kai, but it’s recognised internationally for its positive impact on mental health and wellbeing. Angling is also great for socialising with friends and family and supports the economy.”

North Canterbury anglers were out in numbers as the rivers had cleared nicely following rain last week. There were lots of anglers taking up the opportunity, especially some younger anglers trying their hand at catching some of the 400 fish left in the Groynes Children’s Fishing Lakes from Sunday’s Take A Kid Fishing Day.

In Southland, rain leading up to opening day made some rivers unsuitable for fishing.

However, anglers who ventured to the upper reaches of rivers and sought out smaller streams that were clearing nicely enjoyed some early-season success.

Further, those who adapted their techniques, using bright soft baits to take advantage of the discoloured water also reported some impressive catches.

Fish & Game New Zealand expects to sell around 130,000 licences this season, with approximately 10 per cent going to international anglers.

“Don’t miss out, jump online and grab a licence so you can make the most of the whole season,” said Jordan.


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