Transformative international trip for teens

Blue Light's 2024 PCYC NSW Blue Star Leadership Group outside Luna Park, Sydney. Photo: Supplied.

A recent international trip organized by Blue Light has proven to be a life-changing experience for ten young people from the eastern Bay of Plenty.

Accompanied by Anita Tipene, Whakatane Blue Light Coordinator, these teens participated in the Police Citizens Youth Clubs NSW Blue Star Leadership programme in Sydney, Australia, from September 29 to October 5, 2024.

“This experience was invaluable for our young people, especially considering the difficult environment many of them come from,” Tipene said.

Ngapera Herbert Timoti-Reid and Jade Herbert, both nominated by Whakatane Blue Light, joined Tipene and Robert Lopati from Blue Light, along with other selected youth from Blue Light's 70 branches across New Zealand.

During the week-long programme, participants interacted with first nation representatives and youth aged 15-17 from the 64 PCYC clubs in New South Wales, which collectively boast over 116,000 members.

Brendon Crompton, Blue Light CEO, emphasised the significance of the partnership with PCYC Australia, stating, “Blue Light’s close partnership with PCYC in Australia enables us to provide invaluable leadership opportunities for our young people in New Zealand, many of whom have not been out of the country before.”

Blue Light attendees Ngapera Herbert Timoti-Reid (far Left) and Jade Herbert (far right) undertake activities in Sydney with fellow participants on PCYC NSW’s Blue Star Leadership programme. Photo: Supplied.

The Blue Star Leadership programme aims to cultivate young leaders within local communities, equipping them with essential tools and skills to engage meaningfully as youth leaders.

Tipene described the trip as “transformative,” noting that the young participants returned with newfound confidence, broader perspectives, and a belief in their ability to overcome barriers.

Blue Light is a not-for-profit charity that collaborates with the Police to enhance the protective factors in young people's lives while reducing risks.

Through its national and local programmes, Blue Light creates unique opportunities for positive youth engagement, focusing on cultural, sporting, and educational activities that are free from drugs, alcohol, and violence.

For more information about Blue Light and its initiatives, please contact Tracey at or Anna at



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