8:27:43 Thursday 27 March 2025

Car takes out two sets of traffic lights, Rotorua

Crash at the Sunset and Old Taupo Rds intersection on Sunday that took out two traffic lights. Photo / Supplied

A woman who was driving a BMW which smashed into a traffic light at a Rotorua intersection then flew across the road and hit a second traffic light, stunned witnesses when she walked away from the crumpled car.

The crash happened on the corner of Old Taupo and Sunset Rds on Sunday at 7.25pm.

Thompson Lawnmowers & Chainsaw owner Robyn-ann Rumney was at the site when it happened.

“We heard it. It made a hell of a noise. It was just a huge bang. Massive.”

She said the traffic light pole by the Mobil service station ended up across the road on their property, and the second traffic light pole outside their property was knocked over.

“There was debris strewn everywhere and all down Sunset Rd.”

Rumney said it was amazing the driver got out of her vehicle and walked herself to the ambulance to lay down on the stretcher.

She said an emergency service worker told her afterwards they were amazed there weren’t more serious injuries.

“They said you don’t have a car with that much damage and walk away usually.”

A police spokeswoman said it was a single-vehicle crash and the road was blocked for some time while debris was cleared. She said the crash caused traffic lights to be out of service.

Police couldn’t give more details yet about whether anyone would be charged.

A Hato Hone St John spokesperson said one ambulance responded and transported a patient in a moderate condition to Rotorua Hospital.

The traffic lights were still out this morning and Rumney said a police officer was working to direct traffic.

“It doesn’t look like it’ll be a quick fix so I’d avoid the area.”

An NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi spokeswoman said contractors were installing a new pole today to allow the intersection to function. She said road users should expect delays as temporary traffic management would be in place until about 3pm.

She said two remaining poles would be installed over the next few days.

In the new year, new mast arms will be installed. A mast arm is the part of the traffic light that bends over the lane and has an additional light at the end.

-Rotorua Daily Post


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