Speed limits going back up, full list announced

Christopher Luxon and Transport Minister Chris Bishop at the announcement on Wednesday. Photo: RNZ / Samuel Rillstone

A full list of the roads and the dates their speed limits go up is at the bottom of this article.

Reversals on blanket speed limit reductions will begin on Wednesday night, starting with State Highway 2 in the Wairarapa, and will be complete by 1 July.

The National and Act coalition agreement committed to reversing the reductions implemented under the previous Labour government.

In total 38 sections of the state highway network will be reversed back to their previous higher speed limits by NZTA over the next five months.

The state highway speed limit changes will take effect across the country in Northland, Auckland, Waikato, Bay of Plenty, Gisborne, Hawke's Bay, Manawatu-Whanganui, Greater Wellington, Canterbury, and the top of the South Island.

Prime Minister Christopher Luxon and newly-appointed Transport Minister Chris Bishop made the announcement near Featherston on SH2 on Wednesday morning.

"To ensure this process happens efficiently, over the next few months NZTA will incorporate the automatic speed reversal work alongside planned maintenance and project works," Bishop said in a statement.

A further 49 sections of state highway will be put out for public consultation so "local communities can have their say on keeping their current lower speed limit or returning to the previous higher speed," he said.

Public consultation on those roads will run for six weeks from tomorrow.

Councils have until 1 May to advise NZTA of local road changes, which will require reduced variable speed limits outside schools during pick up and drop off times.

"By 1 July 2026, local streets outside a school will be required to have a 30km/h variable speed limit. Rural roads that are outside schools will be required to have variable speed limits of 60km/h or less," Bishop said.

"National campaigned on reversing the blanket speed limit reductions at the last election, and over 65 percent of submitters during consultation on the Land Transport Rule: Setting of Speed Limits 2024, agreed."

"Today provides a classic example of our Government's determination to stop letting government agencies put things in the too-hard basket, and instead to push forward for actual results," Bishop said.

Christopher Luxon and Transport Minister Chris Bishop at the announcement on Wednesday. Photo: RNZ / Samuel Rillstone

Transport rules are "complicated and technical", Bishop said, which is why it was taking five months to get all of the speed limit reductions reversed.

While he said it was not a simple process, which is why it has taken more than a year in government to announce the changes, Bishop said it was also just a case of changing the rule put in by former Labour transport minister Michael Wood to reduce the speeds.

"It's taken a few months to go through the categories of roads and work out what falls in and what doesn't," he told reporters in Featherston.

In regards to the 49 stretches of road up for consultation, he said "there will be differing views in the communities" and time would be taken to hear all that feedback.

Bishop insisted it was "safe to do these changes".

"The number one factor driving deaths on our roads is drugs and alcohol."

He said the coalition was passing drug driving legislation in the coming weeks that will introduce roadside saliva drug testing and fund 50,000 tests to police each year.

In addition the government was investing heavily in breath testing and setting performance targets around that, he said, and investing in safer roads.

NZTA is responsible for making the changes and Bishop said it was "working really hard to make sure we deliver on this".

The roads where speed limits are going up:

The roads up for consultation:



start counting

Posted on 29-01-2025 12:05 | By OG-2024

I agree with the "new" limits around schools, we need to be careful and take care as children may not with excitement.
However, ramming speed increases down our throats to shave a few minutes of a commute that has somehow been calculated to be costing too many $$$ is a croc!
We all know that higher speed impacts lead to more severe injuries and death. Emergency services are tired of dealing with incidents where speed ( And use of substances and distractions) have caused serious injuries and deaths!
EVERY increase in accidents/ injuries/ death on these roads now falls fair and square on this madness.
Slow down, take it easy and be considerate of fellow road users, PLEASE!


Posted on 29-01-2025 14:09 | By nug

So it's safe to do 60 kmh past a rural school but 30kmh past urban schools? Great work national gang


Posted on 30-01-2025 06:52 | By Hans Omaicok

About time, state highway 5 Waipunga to Eskdale is safe to drive at 100 kph, I do it often and are annoyed I have to keep an eye out for the police with the current speed limit at 80 from the previous muppets.


Posted on 30-01-2025 07:15 | By John31513

Why raise the speed limits when the roads aren't safe for cars to be on ?

Can't read the table.

Posted on 30-01-2025 13:26 | By morepork

Maybe the Bay of plenty entries at least, could be extracted and published separately? I zoomed to 200% to try and read this table and the print is illegible.

@ Hans Omaicok

Posted on 30-01-2025 22:00 | By Yadick

They'll get you well before you see them and rightfully so BUT, I hear you.

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