A minor leak has been identified in a fluoride tank at Tauranga City Council’s Waiāri Water Treatment Plant, which requires repair.
From this week, Tauranga City Council said it will cease fluoride dosing at the Waiāri Water Treatment Plant for approximately six weeks while the tank is taken offline to be emptied, cleaned, repaired, tested and re-certified.
"During this time, fluoride levels will reduce across the Pāpāmoa coastal strip and Mount Maunganui," a spokesperson said.
This will primarily affect the fluoride levels in the water supply to residents east of Golf Road (Waiāri side).
"Residents can be assured that their water continues to be safe to drink."
The fluoride tank was installed and brought into operation in November 2024, when Council moved to comply with the Director-General of Health’s directive to fluoridate Tauranga’s water supply. The tank will be repaired under warranty.
"We are committed to keeping our residents informed and will advise the community when the tank is back online, and fluoride is re-introduced to the water supplied by the Waiāri Water Treatment Plant," a spokesperson said.
"The Ministry of Health has been advised of the leak, and our plans to rectify the issue."
The Waiāri Water Treatment Plant was brought into operation in December 2023.
Posted on 16-03-2025 17:19 | By Saul
Stop this toxic waste FULL STOP!
We don't need fluoride.
What we do need are parents stepping up to remind kids to brush teeth daily!!!
Posted on 16-03-2025 19:47 | By Bruja
will be safe to drink the moment you stop putting that poison in it permanently!!! To put a known poison into our drinking water without OUR consent is criminal!!!!
Take the opportunity Mr Mayor & co. to STOP the poisoning forever!
Maybe its Time to think again...!
Posted on 16-03-2025 21:53 | By Watchdog
Such wonderful news - No poison in our water for six weeks!!!
Why not pull the plug on it altogether.
Maybe the fluoride damaged the tank
Posted on 17-03-2025 10:05 | By Maxine Woodhall
…as well as peoples health!!
Should not be in
Posted on 17-03-2025 14:44 | By an_alias
Should not be in the water supply period.
If you want to take a known toxin you can buy it from the chemist.
Posted on 17-03-2025 16:02 | By Let's get real
I'm pro floride and absolutely amazed at the nonsense from some comments.
It's a naturally occurring substance in many streams and rivers throughout the country. Even the Whakatane river has floride naturally present in it.
I wouldn't be at all surprised to find that our purification plants aren't able to completely remove all of the other chemicals in our drinking water, that would be far more harmful than an increased dose of floride. How many of the legal and illegal drugs that have been taken for decades, pass through our bodies and end up in the treatment plants..? Growth enhancing drugs in some of the meats and fish, lead in fish, man-made fertilisers and pest controllers on our plants and fruit.
And we still have people who are upset about a naturally occurring substance in the water along with other chemicals like bleach, meth, steroids and hormones...?
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