Motorists travelling through Rotorua, along State Highway 30 Te Ngae Road near Wharenui Road, will see work is well underway to upgrade and install traffic lights at this intersection.
On Wednesday, with minimal disruption to traffic, contractors removed overhead power lines from SH30 Te Ngae Road near the Wharenui Road intersection.
With a large crew on site, service providers worked in unison disconnecting power, removing lines and poles, and installing new poles.
"As part of the intersection upgrade, we’re increasing capacity and reducing queuing by widening Wharenui Road and controlling turning movements with traffic lights," an NZTA Waka Kotahi spokesperson said.
"We’re also making it safer for pedestrians by installing a signalised pedestrian crossing and providing a widened shared path around the intersection."
This work began in February and is scheduled to be completed by mid-2025.
"It’s the final package of work in the current phase of our SH30 Eastern Corridor Improvements programme."
Stage 1 of the project was completed in February 2022 and saw major improvements from Sala Street to Iles Road.
The second stage began later in 2022 and has so far seen intersection improvements and 4-lanes from Iles Road to Basley Road.
Pedestrians and cyclists are enjoying the wider shared paths and on-road cycle lanes, and safer road crossings linking key destinations such as Puketawhero Park, local schools and shops. Services were upgraded at the same time.
Future phases between Basley Road and Rotorua Airport will be delivered in response to growth along the state highway and are currently unfunded.
To plan ahead and see where disruptive works are, people can use the NZTA Journey Planner ( This is kept up to date in real time so you can see all disruptive activity and potential hazards on the state highway network.
Bay of Plenty
- SH2/Fifteenth Ave: Major works to build the connection from Fifteenth Ave to SH29/Takitimu Drive Toll Road are in progress as part of the Takitimu North Link project. Works involve the building of a 120m long retaining wall and earthworks, this is well underway, and we’re preparing to start the construction of the single lane bridge connecting SH2/Fifteenth Ave to SH29/Takitimu Drive Toll Road. Piling will start in March and take approximately 3 months, and construction of the bridge will take approximately 12 months to complete. One lane at SH2/Fifteenth Ave near Edgecumbe Road is closed while this work takes place, this is likely to remain in place until mid-2026. More information.
- The on-ramp connecting SH29/Takitimu Drive Toll Road to SH2, heading up to Fifteenth Ave will be closed for 3 weeks from Monday 24 March. Works to extend 2 culverts, relocate services and complete earthworks before road widening to 2 lanes will be undertaken as part of the Takitimu North Link Stage 1 project. Between Monday 24 March and Sunday 13 April 2025 traffic will be detoured via SH2 to Elizabeth Street roundabout, via Eleventh Ave and Cameron Road.
- SH29 Valley View Road, Kaimai Range: Until late May, temporary traffic management is in place, with a closure of the passing lane at Valley View Road, lane shifts and a temporary 50km/h and 30km/h speed limit through the work site. This is to enable drainage maintenance and road resurfacing work to take place. This work will be completed during the day and at night and traffic management will remain 24/7. All lanes will be open over the weekend.
- SH29 McLaren Falls Road: Until late March, temporary traffic management, lane shifts, and a closure of the Lower Kaimai Range passing lane is in place from Poripori Road until just after McLaren Falls Road. This is to enable road surfacing work to take place. There will be a reduced speed limit of 50km/h through the site, and 30km/h at the intersection with McLaren Falls Road to ensure the safety of the community and our team. Three lanes will be open at the weekends.
- SH29 Tauriko West between Redwood Lane and Cambridge Road: Project construction is ongoing at multiple sites, with shoulder closures, temporary speed limits and mobile operations in place. At the Takitimu Drive Roundabout, the slip lane from SH29 to Takitimu Drive Toll Road will be closed for 3 to 4 weeks from Monday 17 March during off-peak hours, 9am - 4pm, while fill materials are carted into a future wetland area. Traffic will be able to join Takitimu Drive Toll Road from the roundabout. On Sunday 23 and Monday 24 March there will be night works with resident-only access to Redwood Lane for asphalting work. More information
- SH29 Takitimu Drive Toll Road: Ongoing works in this area for the Takitimu North Link project include the construction of a flyover bridge and southbound slip lane. A reduced speed limit of 70km/h remains in place while crews are working behind the barriers. Traffic is anticipated to be diverted onto the flyover bridge and southbound slip lane in late 2025 while works continue. More information.
- SH2 Hewletts Road, Tauranga: On Sunday 16 March tree maintenance will take place on Hewletts Road near Tōtara Street between 5am and 1pm. There will be a lane closure and reduced speed limit of 50km/h in place, minor delays are to be expected.
- SH2 Hewletts Road, Tauranga: Resurfacing night works get underway on Sunday 16 March for 2 weeks, with crews on site between 8pm and 5am, Sunday to Thursday nights. During these hours, people can expect lane closures, some full closures and detours. No work will take place on Friday or Saturday nights. More information.
- SH2 Tauranga Eastern Link Toll Road (TELTR): The Tauranga City Council led project continues. A 2km section of SH2, just past the Kaituna River Bridge, continues to be reduced to a single lane in each direction allowing construction of the Pāpāmoa East Interchange to progress. This closure will remain in place for the duration of construction, with a temporary 70km/h speed limit in place. More information.
Western Bay of Plenty
- SH2 Apata Station Road to Wainui South Road: Road construction works are underway in preparation for the new roundabout. Lane shifts are in place along with speed restrictions. There will be intermittent stop/go traffic management in place which may cause longer delays. Follow the temporary signs and directions of the traffic management team and watch for layout changes. Expect minor delays.
- SH2 Turners Road rebuild: Following completion of the newly rebuilt southbound lanes, traffic will be shifted to allow construction of the northbound lanes. To manage this phase safely, the work will be done in stages. Road users should expect some layout changes as it is completed. Speed restrictions are in place.
- SH2 Pahoia Road to Plummers Point Road: Installation of services continues with lane shifts in place along with speed restrictions. There will be intermittent stop/go traffic management in place which may cause longer delays. Follow the temporary signs and directions of the traffic management team and watch for layout changes. Expect minor delays.
- SH2 Ōmokoroa Road: Road construction and service relocation works are underway in preparation for the new roundabout. Major road construction is underway north of the intersection. This work will be undertaken overnight under stop/go with a single lane operational. During the day 2 lanes will be provided with traffic traveling on a metal surface. Other works will continue offline during the day.
Lane shifts are in place along with speed restrictions. There will be intermittent stop/go traffic management in place which may cause longer delays. Follow the temporary signs and directions of the traffic management team and watch for layout changes. Delays are to be expected especially during peak times. More information
- SH2 Minden Road – Takitimu North Link Stage 1: Shoulder closures and stop/go traffic management are in place as part of the Takitimu North Link project works. Please take direction from staff on the ground and slow down through the work site while works continue.
- SH30 Te Ngae Road-Wharenui Road: Work is underway at the SH30 Te Ngae Road and Wharenui Road intersection with Wharenui Road closed to through-traffic from the intersection until May. Pedestrian/cycle access is retained. Wharenui Road can be reached via Coulter/Glenfield or Brent/Reeve roads. On SH30 Te Ngae Road traffic management including speed restrictions are in place. A temporary pedestrian refuge is in place 250m south of the intersection. More information
- SH30 Te Ngae Road: Final line-marking has been rescheduled and now planned for 5 nights from Monday 17 March between Iles Road and Ōwhata Road. These works will be completed at night under lane closures and lane shifts.
- SH36 Te Pu: A road rebuild is underway on SH36, Te Pu north of Dudley Road and is expected to finish in early April. Works will take place from Monday to Friday between the hours of 7.30am and 5.30pm with prioritisation for peak morning and evening traffic flows, weather permitting. Expect delays while the work is taking place as there will be stop/go traffic management in place with a 30km/h speed limit.
- SH30 Rotorua: Round 4 of the New Zealand Motorcross Nationals will take place on Saturday 15 March near Horohoro south of Rotorua from 6am to 6pm. Motorists should be aware of a reduced speed limit near the event location to allow vehicles to turn in and out of the accessway.
Eastern Bay of Plenty
- SH2 Kutarere: Service relocation works continue next week at the intersection of SH2 and Wainui Road near Kutarere west of Ōpōtiki. Shoulder closures will be in place and road users should be aware there may be 3-way stop/go traffic management operating at the intersection during this time.
- SH35 Ōpape: Underslip repairs have started and expected to finish late March. The work will take place between 7am and 5pm Monday to Saturday. There will be stop/go traffic management and a temporary speed limit of 30km/h in place while work is underway. While the site is unattended there will be temporary speed limit of 50km/h in place.
- SH35 Te Kura O Tōrere: Work will start soon near Te Kura O Tōrere east of Ōpōtiki on 2 slips. While these repairs are underway, this section of SH35 will be down to 1 lane for up to 6 months.
- SH30 Awakeri: For 2 weeks from Monday 17 April, SH30 will be closed between SH2/SH30 intersection (west of Awakeri) and SH30/SH34 intersection for resurfacing and other general maintenance. The closure will be weekdays only, between 9am to 5pm. There will also be temporary stop/go traffic management in place on SH2 with a reduced speed limit. A detour for all vehicles will be via SH30, left to SH34 Military Road to Hallet Road and Awaiti South Road to SH2 Matatā. A no-right turn will be in place at Grieve Road and Maunder Road.
SH1 Tīrau to Waiōuru Accelerated Maintenance Programme
- SH1 between Tūrangi and Waiōuru: SH1 between Tūrangi and Waiouru including the Desert Road will reopen at 1pm on Friday 14 March. The road has been closed to traffic since 13 January.
The section will still be under traffic management, including temporary speed limits, while the chipseal is embedded further by the vehicles using the road. Road users should be mindful of loose chip and drive to the sign posted speed limit, leaving a good following distance from the car in front.
There will be further works required to finish the final surface on the Desert Road later in the year. This work will, wherever possible, be done at night. The scheduling is still being worked through for when this final surfacing will be done
- SH1 Putāruru to Lichfield: SH1 is closed from SH1/Princes Street, Putāruru to Vosper Road/SH1 Lichfield intersection for approximately 4 weeks for road rebuilding from Domain Road to Pinedale Road. There will also be some night closures in early April for the final surfacing of the road rebuilds completed last year between Vospers Road and Rollett Road. All north and southbound vehicles are being detoured 24/7. The local detour for light vehicles (all vehicles you can drive on a regular car/Class 1 licence) is:
Northbound via Vospers Road, Kells Lane, Lichfield Road, Golf Street, Arapuni Street, Princes Street
Southbound via Princes Street, Arapuni Street, Grey Street, Lichfield Road, Vospers Road. The detour adds approximately 16 minutes and 18.5km to journeys.
The detour for heavy vehicles is via SH30/SH5.
There is a temporary speed limit on the detour route at Putāruru of 70km/h and 30km/h speed limit past Lichfield School.
- SH1 Ātiamuri to Wairakei: SH1 is closed from the SH1/SH30 intersection to the SH1/SH5 intersection (Wairakei Roundabout) for approximately five weeks for road rebuilding, maintenance and safety work. All north and southbound vehicles are being detoured 24/7.
The detour for light vehicles (all vehicles you can drive on a regular car/Class 1 licence) is:
SH30, SH32 and Poihipi Road to Wairakei Drive and vice versa. The detour for light vehicle adds approximately 23 minutes and 32km to journeys.
All heavy vehicles traveling locally use SH5 via Rotorua which will add 43 minutes to the journey.
East Waikato
- Annual Beach Hop, Whangamatā: Motorists should expect the roads to be busy with people heading to the event which starts on Wednesday 26 March and continues to Sunday 30 March.
As part of the annual Beach Hop, SH2 in Waihī will be closed for the Classic Car Parade and Show between Kenny Street and School Lane from 6am to 3pm on Wednesday 26 March. The detour for all traffic will be via Kenny Street, there will be traffic management in place with a reduced speed limit.
- SH25 Hikuai: Work to replace a culvert at Boom Stream Bridge is underway. This will involve shoulder closures and a temporary speed restriction, with occasional lane closures. This work is weather dependent and expected to take up to 6 weeks to complete.
- SH25 between Coromandel township and Te Rerenga: Our team will start work mid-March to stabilise and remove material from a previous slip site. The road will be reduced to a single lane with stop/go traffic management and a temporary speed restriction in place. This work is weather dependent and expected to take 2 to 3 weeks to complete.
- SH26 Onetai Stream Bridge replacement: SH26 between Paeroa and Thames reopened to through traffic on Monday 10 March, following completion of the first phase of the project to replace the Onetai Stream Bridge between Hikutaia and Pūriri. The bridge will initially reopen to 1-way traffic, with a speed restriction and stop/go traffic management in place as the team finish the road approaches and other safety aspects of the project. More Information
- SH2 Paeroa: Road resurfacing will start in Paeroa on Sunday 9 March and continue until Monday 17 March. The work will take place at night between 8pm and 6am each night. When SH2 is closed between Brenan Street and Taylor Avenue the detour will be via Brenan Street and Taylor Avenue. When SH2 is closed between Hughenden Street and Arney Street the detour is via Princess Street, Wharf Street and Hughenden Street back to SH2. There will a temporary reduced speed limit in place around the worksites.
- SH27 Tatuanui Roundabout: Road resurfacing will take place from Sunday 23 March to Thursday 27 March at the Tatuanui roundabout between 8pm and 5am, when the work gets underway there will be a road closure with a detour via SH27 – Murray Road onto Horrell Road and SH26 onto No 7 road then onto No 2 road and proceed towards SH27 where the detour ends. There will also be stop/go traffic management with a reduced speed limit in place.
- Eastbound traffic SH26, proceed on SH26, turn left onto No 7 Road, turn left onto No 2 Road and proceed towards SH27 where the detour ends.
- Westbound traffic on SH26, proceed on SH26, turn right onto Murray Road, turn right onto Horrell Road, Proceed on Horrell Road and proceed towards SH27 where the detour ends.
- Northbound traffic on SH27, turn left onto SH26, turn right onto Murray Road, turn right onto Horrell Road, Proceed on Horrell Road and proceed towards SH27 where the detour ends.
- Southbound traffic on SH27, turn left onto No 2 Road, turn right onto No 7 Road, proceed on No 7 Road, and proceed towards SH26 where the detour ends.
- SH24 Matamata: Resurfacing will start on Sunday 16 March for 5 nights on SH24 between Tainui Street to Waharoa Road East. Between 8pm and 6am each night the road will be closed between Miro Street and Waharoa Street East with a detour in place via Tainui Street, Firth Street, Hetana Street and Tui Street, and via Waharoa Street East, Rawhiti Ave and Miro Street. There will be temporary traffic management in place with a reduced speed limit.
- SH29 Te Poi: A road rebuild has begun in Te Poi between Te Poi Road and Stopford Road with a finish date of Sunday 23 March. While the work is taking place the road will be closed to all traffic 24/7. Traffic (light vehicles) will be detoured via Te Poi Road and SH24 or Te Poi South Road and SH28 adding around 5 minutes to journeys along SH29. Heavy vehicles will be detoured via SH27, SH24 and SH28 adding around 15 minutes. More information
Central Waikato
- SH28 Whites Road, North of Putāruru: On Monday 17 and Tuesday 18 March SH28 Whites Road will be closed for resurfacing between 7am and 7pm each day. During this time all vehicles will be detoured via the roundabout at the SH1/SH5 intersection.
- SH1/SH5 Taupō: Drivers travelling near the Taupō Commercial Vehicle Safety Centre – under construction at the SH1/SH5 roundabout – need to be aware of changing road layouts and speed restrictions. Contractors are installing in-road weigh-in-motion scales and associated camera technology and signage boards until May. These are being installed on 5 of the roads heading towards the safety centre, including SH1 and SH5. Temporary lanes and speed restrictions will be in place.
- SH49 Tangiwai: KiwiRail is undertaking urgent maintenance at the Tangiwai Rail Crossing on SH49 over 2 weekends starting this weekend, Saturday 15 and Sunday 16 March.
SH49 at the Tangiwai Rail Crossing will be down to 1 lane under stop/go traffic management this weekend, and again on Saturday 22 and Sunday 23 March (weather dependent).
West Waikato
- SH23 Raglan Road: 6 Nights of road resurfacing has been rescheduled and will now take place on Sunday 16 March between 9pm and 5am, taking 6 nights to complete. There are 2 worksites, one is near Ohautira Road, which will start on Sunday 16 March for 4 nights, the other is near Four Brothers Reserve, which is on Thursday 20 March and Sunday 23 March. The narrow width of the road means there is not enough room to complete the work safely, so the road will be closed to traffic in both directions near each worksite, vehicles will be escorted through the worksite at 9.45pm, 11pm, 1am and 3am. There will be temporary speed limits in place during the work.
- SH1C Cambridge Road to Morrinsville Road, Hamilton: From Sunday 16 March for 4 nights between 8pm and 5am resurfacing work will take place, 1 lane will be closed with temporary traffic management and a reduced speed limit in place.
- SH1B Telephone Road, Hamilton: Construction is ongoing on a range of improvements at the rail crossing on SH1B Telephone Road and the adjacent intersection with Holland Road and Marshmeadow Road. Work is expected to take 3 months to complete, there are a number of detours in place while the work is ongoing.
- SH1/SH29 Piarere intersection: Work is continuing on the central median, hard landscaping and minor finishing works on the new SH1, Hamilton approach with minor lane diversions in place as required. On Sunday 16 March there will be 1 night of works to carry out line marking on the Hamilton leg. Night shifts will then continue for further line marking from Monday 24 March for 1 week, with temporary traffic management in place, including shoulder closures and lane deviations. Minor traffic delays are expected. NZTA thanks motorists for their patience and asks drivers to stick to temporary speed limits and take extra care when travelling through the area while people adjust to the layout. More information.
- SH3 Rukuhia: A road rebuild is underway, expected completion late March, on SH3 between Rukuhia Road and Narrows Road. The work will take place between 7am and 5pm each day. The work will be completed 1 lane at a time, the lane not being worked on will be open to northbound traffic at all times. A 24/7 southbound detour will be in place for light vehicles via Raynes Road, SH21 Airport Road to re-join SH3. Rukuhia Road will remain open at all times but will only be left in and left out. Residents travelling southbound will be required to use the detour route to travel north to access properties. Buses, heavy vehicles, HPMV’s and over dimension vehicles will be stacked and released to align with the bus timetable. More information
North Waikato
- SH1 Island Block Road to Hampton Downs: There will be a full southbound closure on Monday 17 March between 9pm and 5am for general maintenance to take place. Traffic will still be able to travel south using one of the northbound lanes.
- SH1 Hampton Downs to Rangiriri Interchange: There will be a full southbound closure on Sunday 16 March between 9pm and 5am for general maintenance. There will be a detour via Whangamarino Road.
- SH2 Pinnacle Hill Road to Dobson Road: Stop/go traffic management will be in place between 9pm and 5am for stormwater maintenance from Sunday 16 March to Tuesday 18 March.
Manuwatū -Whanganui
- SH4 Ōtoko: Retaining wall work to improve the road shoulder and improve drainage will begin on Monday 17 March taking 4 weeks to complete. The worksite will be under 24/7 traffic management during construction, delays of 5-10 minutes are to be expected.
- SH1 Bulls and SH1 Mangaweka: A road rebuild is underway on the passing lane on SH1 north of Bulls until Friday 21 March. Crews are working between 6am to 6pm and stop/go and reduced speeds are in place, with delays up to 5 minutes. A road rebuild is also underway on the passing lane on SH1 north of Mangaweka until Wednesday 2 April. Various temporary traffic management is in place, with delays of 5 minutes expected.
Tairāwhiti Gisborne/Hawke’s Bay
- SH5 Napier to Taupō: Recovery alliance Transport Rebuild East Coast (TREC) continues to progress safety improvements, as well as repair, recovery and maintenance activities at multiple sites on SH5 between Eskdale and Waipunga. More information
- SH3 Tongapōrutu: Work to rebuild the road at SH3 near Pilot Road at Tongapōrutu will now include an additional 350 metres at the northern end of the current site, and a retaining wall on the northbound side of the road. This change is to increase efficiencies in the programme. Due to this increased scope, this work will now take 2 to 3 additional weeks to complete (weather permitting), expecting to finish on Saturday 22 March. Stop/go is in place with crews working between 7am to 7pm Monday to Saturday. Delays of up to 10 minutes are expected. More information.
- SH3 Mount Messenger: 2 months of vegetation maintenance with start on Monday 17 March during the day between 6am to 6pm. There will be stop/go traffic management and a reduced speed limit in place Monday to Saturday each week.
The above information is accurate at the time of release. Many of the above works are dependent on a number of factors, particularly weather, and may be postponed at short notice. For up-to-date information on road works, traffic, detours and delays, motorists are encouraged to visit the NZTA Journey Planner website (
NZTA thanks motorists for their patience while we complete this essential work to keep the state highway network safe, accessible and resilient.
Plan ahead for a safe, enjoyable journey. Keep up to date with:
- Traffic updates:
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- Phone: 0800 4 HIGHWAYS (0800 44 44 49)
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