13:27:26 Thursday 27 March 2025

Cost of living support coming for Kiwis

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More than 900 thousand superannuitants and almost five thousand veterans are among the New Zealanders set to receive a significant financial boost from next week, an uplift Social Development and Employment Minister Louise Upston said will help support them through cost-of-living challenges.

“I am pleased to confirm that from 1 April, most MSD payment rates will increase through the Annual General Adjustment (AGA),” Upston said.

“Overall this year’s AGA means around 1.5 million New Zealanders will get an increase to reflect the cost-of-living, ranging from just over 2 per cent to around 3 per cent."

Upston said MSD has already begun communicating about specific increases, and from next Tuesday, that means pensioners, parents, students, and people on main benefits will all get a little extra, helping hundreds of thousands of Kiwis:

·       933,200 superannuitants and 4,900 veterans will get a boost to New Zealand Superannuation and Veteran’s Pension

·       409,300 main beneficiaries will get a higher payment

·       47,400 students will see an increase in their allowance

·       70,000 non-beneficiaries getting supplementary assistance are expected to be better off.

“Since 2024, benefit rates have kept pace with the Consumers Price Index (a measure for the cost of living). For the year ending December 2024, the Consumers Price Index was 2.22 per cent," Upston said.

“Pensioners will notice an extra boost to their New Zealand Superannuation or Veteran’s Pension this year, with their total increase around 3 per cent. This is because of the relationship to the net average wage, which forms part of the rate calculation."

“We know the cost-of-living crisis the previous government left us with has been particularly difficult for beneficiaries, and the coming uplift will help many with household budgeting."

Upston said this is in addition to other initiatives to support Kiwis over the past 16 months.

"As at March 19, we have also supported just over 51,000 households with the cost of early childhood education, through FamilyBoost. This has put $31.8m into the pockets of low and middle income families.

“Indexing main benefits to inflation has been used responsibly in 32 of the past 36 years, by governments across the political divide.

“It is something our Government supports as a sensible way to maintain the income support system,” Upston said.


Rate rises

Posted on 25-03-2025 09:10 | By Saul

But the council is putting rates up yet again.
Wages aren't going up to sustain this.
When will the Council understood that people are struggling!!!!


Posted on 25-03-2025 19:38 | By glass1/2 full

The short answer is never ! They seem to be oblivious to the fact that there are alot of folk who aren't mananging to meet never ending "out of control" spending of this council

Pension increase

Posted on 26-03-2025 09:37 | By AucklandAces

What a joke
Prices for everything have gone up more than 3%.
We'll be given the price of a cup of coffee & maybe half a loaf of bread.
Why can't we get Pension raises like our miserable MP's get
Not just a couple of Dollars, but thousands.
I like many other retirees have no choice but to carry on working to survive.

Well off.

Posted on 26-03-2025 16:19 | By Griffsone

Considering 40% of retirees are living fortnight to fortnight with nothing left over. How far do you think $10 a week or $20 a fortnight is going to go with huge power prices coming 1st of April, food costs forever climbing, rates and rents increases esp in BOP, phone, internet and insurance, doctors, dentists fees, car maintenance, registration, it goes on etc, etc, etc. The gap between rich and poor is steadily growing with no end in sight. I challenge all MPs and councillors to live off the basic pension with no access to savings or their investments for 6 months and see what they say then.

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