An archaeologist is heading to Mangatawa Marae in Te Maunga from Hamilton to analyse bone fragments discovered in the area.
Tauranga City Council's Michael Christeller says construction work was being carried out to widen access to a reservoir near the marae when the discovery was made on April 9.
Bones were found near the Mangatawa Marae last Friday.
Michael says the area where the bone fragments were found is a very significant archaeological site.
"We just have to be careful, with any bones at all. And when you get fragments it's quite hard to tell and requires someone with training to make that call."
He says an archaeologist and an iwi representative were present at the site when the fragments were found.
The archaeologist will arrive at the site on Wednesday and the findings of his analysis are expected shortly after.
"It does look as though there are some animal remains in the soil sample so it's very possible they are animal bones."
1 comment
Bones found near marae
Posted on 25-04-2013 13:00 | By kone
Another pakeha dipping into maori land why should the council have their road be thankful they are there make do with what was given.Bones!! This is what they do give them an inch and they take a mile,
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