Petition for whistleblower's asylum

A Mount Maunganui man is petitioning to offer NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden asylum in New Zealand, or even the Bay of Plenty.

Stuart Pedersen launched his online petition ‘New Zealand Government: Grant Asylum to PRISM whistle-blower Edward Snowden' yesterday with the aim of getting 100 signatures.

Stuart Pedersen is petitioning to grant NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden asylum in New Zealand.

If he is successful, he hopes it will help bring 29-year-old to New Zealand.

Edward, a government contractor, sparked an extensive intelligence search last month after revealing information about PRISM: an American surveillance programme monitoring internet traffic.

The covert collaboration between the National Security Agency, Federal Bureau of Investigation and technology companies worldwide has allowed the American government to access personal information for the last six years.

Edward's actions are being labelled by international media as the 'biggest intelligence breach in recent US history”.

Stuart began the petition, which currently has 24 signatures, because he believes PRISM is a 'heavy handed and appalling intrusion into everyone's privacy by the US Government”.

He says those who stand up to such entities should be looked after.

'With no other superpower to keep them in check, it is up to brave individuals like Edward Snowden to tell the world. Then it is up to the world to tell the US ‘Back off you have gone too far'.

'I don't know whether we can do anything about it and I'm not sure whether New Zealand will have granted asylum to Edward Snowden, but I think we should at least be mentioning our feelings.”

Global media sources report Edward packed his bags for Hong Kong three weeks ago, leaving behind a "very comfortable life'' in Hawaii, a salary of $200,000, a girlfriend, a stable career and a loving family.

It is reported he was carrying four computers enabling him to gain access to some of the US government's most highly-classified secrets.

In a video interview with the Guardian Newspaper, Edward says he is willing to sacrifice everything because he cannot in good conscience allow the US government to destroy privacy, internet freedom and basic liberties for people around the world.

Edward, now dubbed 'America's Most Wanted”, had mostly remained in his Hong Kong hotel room since boarding a flight on May 20, but hasn't been seen since earlier this week. It is thought he is now in a safe house.

Stuart is not sure what the protocol is if he reaches his 100 signature goal but wants to get the ball rolling in the hopes of offering Edward refuge here in New Zealand.

'He seems to like warm places, having been living in Hawaii before moving to Hong Kong, so maybe somewhere up North or around here (in the Bay of Plenty).

But Prime Minister John Key announced yesterday Edward is not welcome in New Zealand.

His comments to media follow claims from Australian barrister Geoffrey Robertson that Edward should seek refuge in New Zealand rather than Hong Kong.

The Prime Minister says the Edward does not meet requirements for asylum, but he cannot rule out Edward coming to New Zealand under another immigration category because he is not facing criminal charges.

If Edward were to seek asylum in New Zealand, the FBI should not be allowed to storm in and throw its weight around as with Kim Dotcom last year, says Stuart.

'They can't just nab him because he is a bad guy.

'I mean, he's a convicted conman and I don't know whether he is a good guy or not, but it's up to us to make the decisions here in New Zealand.”

To sign Stuart's petition go to


He may be valuable

Posted on 13-06-2013 13:16 | By Pat 1955

With all the computer glitches our government departments have been having may be they should employ him to show how its done


Posted on 13-06-2013 13:22 | By rastus

I would have thought the logical thing to do was to at least wait until the man himself declared that he was actually looking for somewhere to seek refuge - I would have thought that people from the Guardian newspaper would have a much better handle on that situation than this 'flag waver' from the the Mount!


Posted on 13-06-2013 16:50 | By sojourner

Maybe John Key does not want to give him an asylum status because he is afraid Edward Snowden will do the same thing here. lol

A very scary issue

Posted on 13-06-2013 18:14 | By Phil Smith

For all those readers and viewers who are satiated by their daily dose of motorway pileups and hostage dramas it's time to wake up and realise that there is a very scary issue on the overseas news at present, one that TVNZ (and other mainstream media) seems to be deliberately avoiding: that is, the US is trying to take control of the internet, and is well on the way to outlawing freedom of the Press. This means anyone like Julian Assange, Bradley Manning, and now Edward Snowden are now being hunted like criminals. Stuart Pederson should be commended for trying to make it possible for this latest courageous whistleblower to come to New Zealand, however in view of the Kim Dotcom FBI botchup and the way John Key cuddled up to former US Secretary of State Hilary Clinton when she was here I'd have concerns that New Zealand would extradite him and he'd end up in Gitmo.

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