Matariki marked at Merivale School

Students at Merivale Primary School learned about Matariki, the Maori New Year, by taking part in a variety of themed activities today.

As part of the celebrations children were researching Matariki on the internet along with learning Matariki waiata (songs).

Merivale School students taking part in Matariki celebrations. Photo: Bruce Barnard.

Principal Jan Tinetti says there was flax weaving, stick games and kite making.

There were seven Matariki themed activities all up which students rotated around.

'The students loved it. They had the best day. I've just finished with the very last group now and I asked who had a good time and they all put their hand up.

'They asked if we could do it again,” she laughed.

Since the Maori Language Commission began a move in 2001 to reclaim Matariki or Aotearoa Pacific New Year it has become increasingly common practice to celebrate Matariki in a range of ways.

The period between early June and late August is seen as an important focus for Maori language regeneration.

Jan says the reasoning behind holding the games today was to teach the children about Matariki before their hangi next Thursday.

'The hangi is in celebration of Matariki but we wanted the children to understand what Matariki is before they had the hangi.

'They will be part of the preparation of the hangi, the whole theme around the next two weeks is Matariki because it is that time of the year.”


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