Hidden midden uncovered

Pipi shells and fishbones have been found under the path of the Pilot Bay boardwalk, only days after construction started on the project.

Archaeologists have been on site since yesterday examing the area and Historic Places Trust has been advised.

'They have come across a couple of shell middens. They are fairly standard and there's nothing significant so far that they have found,” says Tauranga City Council city park rangers team leader Warren Aitken.

'They are just exploring at the moment and I wouldn't expect that it would delay things too much.”

The boardwalk excavation is only going down about 150mm to remove topsoil, says Warren.

'We will continue on Monday, just carry on past those sites, leave them for the time being while the archaeologists have a look at it.”

The construction is about half way across the fenced area. The contractors will come back next week and backfill and re-sow the grass.

'The new fence for the next section will go up early next week and they will start the excavation for that next week as well just to keep up with the construction.”

Witnesses say the archaeologists uncovered fish bones, hangi stones and obsidian flakes.

The age of the items is unknown, but that may be known next week. The area is said to have been occupied by Maori about 700 years ago.



Posted on 05-07-2013 17:37 | By Reeff

Not pippi shells and fish bones next to the beach!!!! STOP all works.....need to figure out how these items from the sea came to be so close to the sea.......


Posted on 05-07-2013 17:53 | By Sambo Returns

well kiss that budget goodbye, really people, why pander to all this rubbish, bulldoze it and build it, you wanted it, (well some who made the most noise), we are not talking about a major excuvation here, 40mm of the top???, and obviously the Council workers (contractors) reported this why???, maybe they knew they would be able to extend this for a while, and get a few more pay packets!!!

Oh Wow ....

Posted on 05-07-2013 19:11 | By Crash test dummies

Like shells at the beach .... Like that never happened before ... Fish bones at the beach huh like next they will find a whale ...

Very Odd

Posted on 05-07-2013 22:15 | By Colleen Spiro

Upon speaking with the Archeologist yesterday, he stated to us that they were 700 hundred year old snapper bones

of course they did

Posted on 05-07-2013 22:29 | By Maria M

The mount area is covered in bones (human & moa),shellfish because of its passed population. We have to expect delays as we must always respect those who walked before us. Let love an understanding make us all mature an respectful


Posted on 05-07-2013 22:59 | By tuisong

I had the pleasure of talking with one of the archaelogists on Thursday, and it was incredible listening to him. They can tell so much about human life from a few finds, and the people commenting about a few "pipi shells and fish bones" in such a dismissive way are just showing their lack of knowledge. Apart from the value of these items to local iwi, some people are actually very interested in finding out about how people lived here centuries ago. I take my hat off to the skill and hard work being put into this by the archaelogists, and salute the Council for proceeding with some sensitivity and care as well.

No idea

Posted on 05-07-2013 23:07 | By bob

From a ex contractors point of veiw. You do need to understand the process before you comment. It could make you look like you dont know what you are talking about. When contracting you are required to have standovers to deside when work is to stop. It is not the contractor choice to stop it is law.


Posted on 05-07-2013 23:55 | By jasonjt

Farout don't you love the complainers! You couldn't be more misinformed if you tried. For a start if you went down for a look at the site or even read the article you would see they are excavating more than 40mm, secondly, whats wrong with embracing and protecting our national heritage? You never know they might find something really cool, mind you then you would probably winge we dont have a museum to display it in.


Posted on 06-07-2013 00:21 | By marty78

To many this means nothing, but for others, this is history. Yes you may say 'Oh Wow'...(sarcastic)'Cool' and 'OMG'...but it is history, for all. Or is it because you saw the word 'Maori' and got defensive??


Posted on 06-07-2013 09:04 | By Reeff

I am dumbfounded as to how you can take my coment as being race related, that thought is in your mind maybe but not mine, you should never presume. It's pretty obvious they were going to come accross such items, just wondering if its all included in the 500k budget, I bet it isn't, sometimes thing should just be left alone, as I am picking it won't just be animal bones they find along this stretch of beach.


Posted on 06-07-2013 10:16 | By belladonna

Great history has been uncovered, always interesting to know what inhabitants of that time did.

Oh Heck

Posted on 06-07-2013 10:52 | By Poseidon

I hope they don't or haven't found the KFC bones I buried there a couple of years ago.

Wonders of wonders

Posted on 06-07-2013 10:55 | By Kaimai

In 700 years when archeologists go thru my place they'll find fish bones, pippi shells, maybe the odd spoon, a couple of potato peelers,the odd broken plate fragment, maybe some dog bones and cat bones too - I'll leave a note saying I buried my pet cat, pet dog and we used to eat fish on Fridays - just to save a few hassles and expedite progress - no wonder consent costs in this country are out of control

Sorry Guys

Posted on 06-07-2013 11:04 | By Kaimai

Think we left some plastic knifes and forks over that way after a picnic circa 2011, possibly late February, early March - hope that helps with the archeos research

Jason JT

Posted on 06-07-2013 11:16 | By Plonker

I have no problem in embracing NZ History, but not on a selective basis, the actual history of NZ is being systematically destroyed except for IWI related something. So excuse me for be consistent.

stop moaning !

Posted on 06-07-2013 13:07 | By ow

you lot should be grateful that with "co-management"the council is caring enough to spend the same amount of money on "cultural sensitivity" for the walkway as on building the walkway

Oh Dear

Posted on 06-07-2013 15:23 | By Jitter

It appears that the vast majority of NZers are becoming highly pissed off that every time a few bones and shells are found anywhere any work on a project stops until a dig has been done. Isn't it time that when shells and fish bones are found on or close to a beach (what a surprise) that the project goes on without any delays.


Posted on 06-07-2013 15:32 | By Plonker

You want "cultural sensitivity" then you can have it on your time and your tab.

cultural sensitivity

Posted on 07-07-2013 10:34 | By Captain Sensible

Just wondering where the "cultural sensitivity" was when maori were clubbing each other to death. Where was it when they ate each other? Who cares about a few bones and pipi shells? Not me.

how much

Posted on 07-07-2013 10:36 | By Captain Sensible

How much cash are we mug ratepayers paying local iwi (mafia) to come and do a few 'hail marys' on these bones so work can continue?

Surprise surprise!

Posted on 08-07-2013 14:33 | By Aster

Given the past history of this area this discovery should not come as a surprise. TCC and local iwi ought to have expected this type of discovery which is after all part of the rich tapestry of history in the area. congratulations to the Council,the archaeologists and to the Historic Places Trust for being onto it. We need to record and remember all these historic finds for posterity.


Posted on 09-07-2013 16:28 | By YOGI BEAR

Yeah 100mm deep that will be the scraps from a couple of weeks back, yeah any excuse for a in mass rubber kneckers department to appear from no where in mass and swamp the place in official womble nonsense and some!


Posted on 10-07-2013 15:03 | By drtroy

im digging on the other side of the road and would love to come across a skull i need a new ash tray we going to 1200mm and still not finding anything good a few bottlesand lots of shells there no bones there , they just want more money from the tax payer ,hope some one pays my wages ,there are allready power water fibre and telecome why wasnt this shit discovered years ago,,,,,, why dont they go excaeate cambridge rd dump , bet they find boddies there

My history....

Posted on 10-07-2013 18:01 | By penguin

I have buried birds that my cat caught, buried a sheep under a grape vine (beautiful grapes), buried fish heads and bones in the garden, buried all types of shells, buried a rat to stop it smelling etc etc etc ad infinitum. Perhaps I should have left instructions on where to find them in case they might be "valuable."

OMG is this a SPOOF

Posted on 10-07-2013 21:54 | By carpedeum

Cant stop laughing - are you sure that this is not an April Fools Joke a bit late?? For goodness sake- the WHOLE MOUNT AREa IS A BEACH with SAND, SHELLFISH ETC - THEY ARE THE NORM .


Posted on 10-07-2013 23:08 | By Crash test dummies

It is April fools every day of the year. Except that the fool of it all is all of NZ taxpayers, they pay for tax for Koha, contractors pay koha and most contractors pay to, added to the price everyone else pays. Great set up for a few of the faithful lads.

Historical not - Hysterical stuff yes

Posted on 11-07-2013 09:34 | By ROCCO

As they say get off the bloody grass.Noticed at least 3 people standing around the offending spot yesterday peering at a very shallow excavation(surface scraping)yesterday looking at or navel gazing with one sieving soil through a sand strainer.These shells and fish bones are in recent topsoil over reclaimed foreshore for gods sake.Not at all historical not cultural not anything so stop this idiotic PC bull**** and move on and stop costing NZers a fortune.

Hysterical stuff ?

Posted on 14-07-2013 11:52 | By Plonker

That much is true except that the cost of Koha and all the hangers on costs related can only make the eyes water ... Dire Straights ... "Money for nothing and the chicks for free ..." What is the difference?

Proven Bulldust

Posted on 18-07-2013 10:32 | By CONDOR

And if you think this is garbage how about the pipi shell find in nearby cable optic dug trenches that has stopped work in that spot for 6weeks !!

Stand Overs( YE RITE)

Posted on 22-07-2013 08:52 | By crazyhorse

Bob comments that all excavation around tauranga requires STAND OVERS!, these are usually highly trained people??! from a local iwi, i have talked to a contractor and he has told me they can be payed up to $500 a day each, stand over is right!. Also just out of curiosity, say remains or items found are not from maori but a people that got here years before them, how would these (stand overs)who are now every iwi and the government going to treat them once they had found out, i bet that board walk or midden would be a coupla meters under with concrete and another find filed under (not for a kiwi to see!!!), anyone got thoughts on that?.

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