Straight-shooter Bill a good read

I just wanted to pay tribute to Bill Faulkner for the effort he put into his weekly column Faulkner's Corner during many years.
It became an integral part of The Weekend Sun reading, not only for me but for thousands of readers.
Bill wrote his column with a writing style that made otherwise tedious matters interesting and he managed to maintain interest every week of the council working year.
He never pretended to speak on behalf of the council.
Nor did he pretend that his column was some piece independent of his own true opinion.
It was a straight-forward and straight-shooting ‘take it or leave style' that also kept a balance of quirkiness and humour in among the facts, figures and shenanigans at City Hall.
Avid Sun readers are going to miss all that.
Of course Bill had his detractors, none the least of which were some councillors probably envious at the attention his writing brought him.
Typically, none of those jealous of his skills ever had the talent to replicate them.
Bill has probably become a victim to his own ‘tell it like it is' style, along with an obvious desire for major change on council. That's democracy and Bill is gracious in his recent defeat.
But to me, it is a bit sad the councillors who survived are mix of ones who ran a good campaign based on signs that eventually featured camels and bunnies. With a couple of others, I personally found it difficult to play spot the talent.
Perhaps it is us, the voters who are the real bunnies?

T Tarras, Tauranga.

Editor's note: Bill Faulkner will continue to write an occasional column for The Sun.


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