Secure boats before cyclone

Boaties in the Coromandel are being advised not to leave it to the last minute and secure their boats ahead of Tropical Cyclone Lusi.

The Thames-Coromandel District Council says the area is expecting strong winds and rough seas from this evening through tomorrow.

Thames-Coromandel District Council is advising boaties in the region to secure their vessels ahead of Cyclone Lusi.

Lusi's speed of movement is about 3km/h, and on its current track is expected to pass just to the northwest of North Cape around midday Saturday.

'In the past, boats have broken free of moorings and ended up adrift in storms,” says the council.

'Don't wait until tomorrow to find out whether your boat is in danger.”

Fuller Ferries has cancelled Coromandel Ferry crossings during this warning period and the Auckland Harbourmaster says professional organisations like the Maritime Police, salvage contractors and Harbourmasters have their vessels securely tied up.

'This is a good sign to others that is it unsafe to go out on the water.”

Council says adrift boats can cause significant damage to themselves and other vessels.

In storms, adrift boats are likely to sink, or become damaged beyond repair. It is the responsibility of the boat owner to ensure their vessel is secure. For weather updates, visit


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