Submissions close at 4pm this Thursday on BOP Regional Council's Draft Annual Plan for 2014/15, which sets out council's key programmes and projects for the coming year, how much they will cost and where funding will come from.The proposed general rates rise means an average increase per property of $2 a year, depending on the location of the property – lower than the predicted increase due to savings made by implementing internal efficiencies, reports council.
Regional Council Chairman Doug Leeder says despite change and uncertainty in its operating environment, the council expected the coming financial year to be ‘business as usual'.
'We'll continue to restore water quality in the Rotorua Lakes, maintain river and drainage schemes in the eastern Bay of Plenty, clean up Kopeopeo Canal and enhance passengers' experience on our passenger transport networks.”
Council is proposing operating expenditure of $95.5 million, which would allow for more spending in specific areas such as water management, while reducing spending in other areas to reflect internal efficiency savings.
Council will continue to use investment income to reduce general rates while maintaining levels of service, says Doug.
Submitters can use online submissions or paper forms. Copies of the Draft Annual Plan and the summary are available on the Regional Council's website or from Regional Council offices.
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