Unstable cliff face sees road

Northern access to Hereperu Road from SH2 in the Eastern Bay will remain closed to traffic until unstable rock on the cliff face above a major slip is dislodged.

The road was closed a week ago by a rockfall from the cliff at the seaward end of the road.

A rock fall on Herepuru Road.

The area was inspected yesterday by a geotechnical engineer, who concluded that an open crack running up the face and the presence of a large rock overhang made it unsafe to clear the debris which currently blocks the road.

Whakatane District Council infrastructure general manager Tomasz Krawczyk says the road closure is hugely inconvenient for people living on Hereperu Road, but in this situation, safety issues have to take precedence.

'The engineer's view is the face is highly unstable and that vibrations caused by heavy machinery working below it would create a high risk of further rock falling.

'More material has come down over the weekend and given the size and weight of the rock slabs involved, it's just too hazardous to clear the road surface at this stage.”

Tomasz says the Council's road maintenance contractor has also inspected the site and is not willing to have crews work in the area until the unstable rock on the face has been removed.

The Council is investigating blasting the overhanging rock sections off the face and will endeavour to have that work completed as quickly as possible.

'Realistically, it could take two weeks or more to have the area made safe for our maintenance crews.

'In the meantime, we'll undertake any grading and metalling activities required to keep the road access to the south through to Manawahe Road in as good condition as possible.”


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