Anzac song competition opens

With 2015 the centenary of the Gallipoli landings, Radio New Zealand Concert and Australia's ABC Classic FM are inviting Kiwi and Australian composers to submit original compositions in the Gallipoli Songs competition.

Photo: file.

A grant of $30,000 has been provided by Australia's Department of Veterans' Affairs through the Major Commemorative Grants category of the Saluting their Service programme to assist with running the competition, which is part of the Anzac 100-year commemorations.

The Anzac Centenary Programme will mark one century of service, encompassing all wars, conflicts and peacekeeping operations, in which Australians and many New Zealanders have been involved.

In Gallipoli Songs, composers are invited to set authentic Gallipoli texts to music.

The texts can be from original letters, diaries or any personal writing related to the Gallipoli campaign. The material can be already published, held in national institutions, or be part of private family archives.

Prize money of $5000 per composition will be awarded to six Gallipoli Songs that best communicate the experiences of the original Anzacs and their loved ones.

In addition, winning compositions will be professionally performed, recorded and broadcast on Anzac Day 2015 in New Zealand and Australia.

The judging panel will consist of Australian soprano Merlyn Quaife, composer Elliott Gyger and Stephen Adams from ABC Classic FM, alongside Kate Mead from Radio New Zealand Concert and prolific composer Dame Gillian Whitehead.

To obtain a selection of relevant texts with permissions already assured, email

For more information on how to enter, visit

The closing date for submissions is October 20, 2014.


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