Leader farewells former Maori MP

A former Labour MP remembered by the party's current leader as 'quietly spoken” yet 'strong” will be farewelled in Hairini tomorrow.

David Hereora, 58, died on Tuesday after a short battle with illness, and his body is lying in state at Tauranga's Hairini Marae.

Labour leader David Cunliffe at Hairini Marae today. Photo: Tracy Hardy.

David Hereora was an MP in the 2002-2005 and 2005-2008 Helen Clarke-led governments.

Labour leader David Cunliffe is today paying his respects to his former colleague and friend at the marae.

Speaking to SunLive outside the marae, the Labour leader says the former MP he knew as ‘Dave' was a wonderful man, and he has many fond memories to cherish of him.

'He was a very collegial, very constructive member of our team. He and I once shared a very famous airplane flight together where we thought we would both be having the same tangi,” says David.

'He was quietly spoken, reflective and one of those people that helped bind the team.”

David Hereora stood unsuccessfully against National's Judith Collins in Clevedon but entered Parliament as a list MP. He was Labour Party Maori vice-president and served until 2008 as Maori Affairs Select Committee chairman.

Labour's Tauranga candidate Rachel Jones and Labour leader David Cunliffe and MPs attend the tangi of former Labour MP David Hereoa at Hairini Marae.

He lost against Judith Collins in Papakura in 2008, and didn't make it as a list MP because of the big swing against labour.

Dave came to the Labour Party after working at Affco Meatworks and Service and Food Workers Union, returning to union organising after his stint in parliament.

'Dave had a very strong connection with working people through his previous work in the Service and Food Workers Union and brought that strong connection with Maori workers into the caucus,” says the Labour leader.

'He was always a constructive and collegial member of the Labour team. Dave dedicated his life to the fight for low income workers.”

A funeral notice for Dave says he was a beloved husband of Faith and father of the late Lady Jane.

'Loved and remembered by Rawiri and Krystal, Tyrone and Kylie, Luke and Nicole, Michael, Dorian, Jane. Lovingly adored Papa to Jaede, Brooklyn, Bella, Jovan, Gianni, Trinity and Noah,” says the notice.

A tangi is being held for Dave at Hairini Marae at 11am tomorrow.


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