Crown apologises to Tuhoe

Thousands of people have gathered at Tuhoe headquarters in Taneatua today for the official Tuhoe-Crown settlement.

The Tuhoe Claims Settlement Bill and the Te Urewera Bill passed its third reading in parliament on July 24.

Thousands of people have gathered for the Crown apology in Taneatua today.

A new Te Urewera Board will be established to run the national park. - See more at:
A new Te Urewera Board will be established to run the national park. - See more at:
A new Te Urewera Board will be established to run the national park. - See more at:

At the hui in Taneatua today, Tuhoe received a formal apology from Treaty Negotiations Minister Chris Finlayson, as part of the iwi's treaty settlement.

The apology was scheduled for 11.30am and was to be followed by a banquet at 1pm.

The new bills will see the historical grievances of Ngai Tuhoe settled and the establishment of a new legal identity and new governance arrangement for Te Urewera.

The Tuhoe Claims Settlement Bill provides financial and culture redress of $170 million [which includes Tuhoe's share of the Central North Island Forests Land Collective Settlement]; Mana Motuhake redress to improve relationships between Tuhoe and the Crown and the delivery of government and iwi services in Tuhoe communities; and the return of culturally significant sites and other cultural redress.

Christopher Finlayson says these bills settle the historical claims of Tuhoe, who suffered some of the worst breaches by the Crown in the country's history, involving large scale confiscation, brutal military campaigns targeting Tuhoe settlements, and unjust land purchases.

'The Tuhoe Claims Settlement Bill sets out Crown acknowledgements of this history for all New Zealanders to learn about and learn from. It enshrines in legislation an apology for the Crown's grievous actions.”

Te Urewera Bill replaces the National Parks Act 1980 as the primary legislation providing for the governance and management of Te Urewera. This means the Crown will no longer own Te Urewera.

It gives effect to redress provided for in the historical settlement agreed by the Crown and Tuhoe.


Findlayson revenge

Posted on 22-08-2014 09:31 | By Captain Sensible

Tuhoe did not sign the treaty. They were also responsible for slaughtering other tribes and have never apologised for that. So I fail to see why they need an apology. Just a case of list MP Findlayson, who failed three times to get elected, extracting revenge on NZ for his failure at the polls.

question and answer

Posted on 22-08-2014 11:48 | By Captain Sensible

One day in the future, Kiwis will ask themselves how this "reverse racism" that discriminates against 90% of Kiwis crept in under their noses. I'll tell you the answernow; Chris Finlayson


Posted on 22-08-2014 15:15 | By viceroy

All done with the full approval of the National Government, they need their vote


Posted on 22-08-2014 15:15 | By viceroy

All done with the full approval of the National Government, they need their vote


Posted on 22-08-2014 18:31 | By overit

This will add to Tuhoes arrogance towards anything not Maori. A kaumatua said on TV the other pm that white mans law means nothing there. Blasted National then gave back a National Park to them and self governance. Take back the benefits NZ taxpayers. Wont be long before we pay to tramp Lake Waikaremoana etc. I wonder who paid for the feast today. If it were not not so serious its laughable. Gutless National.


Posted on 22-08-2014 22:32 | By Captain Sensible

There has never ever been an apology to the families of early european women & children missionaries slaughtered and eaten by maori tribes. Why not Mr Finlayson?

Finlayson and Cunliffe

Posted on 27-08-2014 16:11 | By Fonzie

Both trying to outgrovel each other and claiming to represent the people of Nz Is there anything more ludicrous?

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