Diesel removed from stricken vessel

More than 450 litres of diesel has been safely removed from the stricken pilothouse cutter that grounded on Motuhoura (Whale Island) near Whakatane yesterday.

Diesel was removed from the stricken pilothouse cutter, Checkmate, that grounded on Whale Island. Photo: supplied.

Bay of Plenty Regional Council pollution prevention and maritime officers worked on the unmanned boat this morning after it dragged its anchor and went ashore on its side on the south-western shore of the island.

BOPRC senior pollution prevention officer Adrian Heays says staff managed to get all of the fuel off by flooding the fuel tank with water to bring the diesel to the top, where it could be pumped off into containers. They pumped until only water was being removed, says Adrian.

The skipper of the sail boat Checkmate – a 47ft ferro-cement pilothouse cutter – says the boat's engine blew up when salt water got into it.

'Now the fuel has been removed, and it appears there is little or no engine oil or wastewater left on-board, the vessel presents a hugely reduced pollution risk,” says Adrian.

'There is little oil in the engine or gearbox since it blew up. A small amount of diesel, less than a litre, had been mopped up with booms and absorbent pads.”

Iwi and Department of Conservation representatives have also visited the site to say a karakia (prayer). The vessel's owners and Maritime New Zealand will be working together to determine how to remove the vessel from the island.


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