Investigations are continuing into a road sweeper truck crash which saw the vehicle roll into a ditch on Te Puna Station Road.
The road sweeper rolled about 200 metres from the intersection with Te Puna Road, about 3.30pm on August 16.
The road sweeper truck on its side on Te Puna Station Road. Photo: Tracy Hardy.
The driver was not injured in the crash, despite being initially reported as being trapped.
The truck rolled on a corner with a 45km/h speed advisory.
Police say it appears the truck driver failed to negotiate the corner.
Western Bay of Plenty road policing manager Senior Sergeant Ian Campion says the matter is still under investigation.
'We hope to have a result sometime next week once the investigation is complete.”
corners with incorrect camber
Posted on 24-09-2014 16:42 | By Clover Green
On average there would be at least one vehicle a month crash on this corner. The majority arent reported because of non injury so officials wouldn't have a clue. About time our roads were designed properly.
Posted on 25-09-2014 08:28 | By Flippa
This corner has a reputation for putting trucks on their ear! I have been around this corner many times in my truck and can vouch for it's deceptive camber on approach from Wairoa and departure from the Te puna end too. Same old story though, if in doubt, slow down and proceed carefully.
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