Orca thrill locals

Locals headed for the boat ramp and jetty while stingray headed for the shallows as a pod of orca came to dine at Tanners Point late yesterday evening.

The pod of up to seven thrilled the watching public but terrified the stingray they were obviously hunting, as they swam into the estuary between Tanners and Tuapiro Points.

An orca swims close to a moored Riviera called ‘No Names' anchored just off Tanners Point.

People fishing from the jetty quickly pulled in their lines and watched, whistled and called out to the huge mammals as they cruised within meters of the shore.

Whether it was their whistles, or whether sting ray were taking refuge under the jetty isn't clear, but one large orca swam right alongside the pontoon jetty.

As the pod headed back down the channel, a family returning from fishing were treated to an impressive display as the mammals checked out their boat near the start of the Tanners Point channel.

The pod appeared to consist of mature and younger orca and one, probably the male, had a misshapen dorsal fin with a 'nick” from its leading edge.

Orca gave the crew of this fishing boat a special thrill as they hunted sting ray close by.

Uninterested by the humans, standing in knee-deep water to get a better view, the orca moved at speed past anchored boats. They also attracted a flock of seagulls, perhaps feeding on stingray 'burley”.

Among the frightened stingray trying to escape was one with what looked like an injury to its wings which swam into the swallows of the boat ramp close to peoples' feet.

Long-time local residents say it's unusual to see orca come into the channel so close to shore, although they are often seen further out in Blakeney's channel

New Zealand orca are believed unique in that they eat stingray, and judging by their reaction yesterday, the Tanner's Point population of stingray obviously know they are on the menu.

Research into New Zealand orca is on-going and if you see orca anywhere around NZ, call 0800 SEE ORCA (0800 733 6722) to report the sighting. For more information visit: www.orcaresearch.org

Large and smaller orca thrilled the locals as they hunted stingray just metres from the Tanners Point wharf and jetty.

Orca near Leisure Island. Photo by Garith Farr.

Photo by Garith Farr.

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Posted on 20-01-2015 09:01 | By SonnyJim

If going to www.orcaresearch.org, send any photos taken so the pod can be identified.

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