Fraser Street works delayed

A scheduled closure for Fraser Street between 15th and 16th Avenues is delayed following a mains break during works near the intersection last Friday.

The stretch of road was scheduled to be closed from 7pm till 6am on Monday and Tuesday nights as part of the NZ Transport Agency's upgrade to the Fraser Street and 15th Avenue intersection.

These works are still scheduled to occur this week, but on which day remains uncertain.

NZTA state highway manager Rod James says when the closures do occur, nearby Fraser Street residents will have full access to and from their homes and traffic on 15th Avenue will not be affected.

'Closing Fraser Street overnight gives our contractors the time and space they need to lay new storm and water pipes across the road as quickly as possible, minimising disruption to residents and road users,” says Rod.

'At some stage over the next two to three weeks, the pipe will be laid across 15th Avenue requiring further overnight closures.”

The intersection upgrade is part of the Hairini Link Advanced Works project to improve safety for all road users and reduce congestion at the busy intersection.

The project involves building extra lanes at the intersection, adding new pedestrian crossings on 15th Avenue and improving cycling and walking routes in the area.

Since the NZTA project got underway in September, a significant part of the new stormwater pipe has been completed on 15th Avenue. The curbing and footpaths on Fraser Street west and a new path beneath the totara trees on 15th Avenue have also been built.

Work on the project will be suspended over the Christmas period.

When work resumes in January, Fraser Street will again be closed (this time on both sides of 15th Avenue) for nine days to facilitate a complete reconstruction of the intersection's road surface. Detours will be in place and well publicised before and during the January closure.


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