A movie night this week for autism sufferer Georgie Farrell, 5, will help her goal to get an assistance dog.
Georgie Farrell – who lives with parents Matthew and Liz and older brothers, Patrick, 9, and Jack, 8 – was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder and global development delay and speech delay at age three.
Georgie requires round-the-clock supervision. She lacks an awareness around personal safety, and communication is challenging.
Life for Georgie and her family can at times be overwhelming – but Georgie's mum Liz Farrell says having an assistance dog will give her daughter and the family greater freedom to enjoy everyday activities most families take for granted.
The Farrells have been accepted onto the Assistance Dogs NZ programme, which asks families to fundraise about $20,000 for the dog's training costs.
'Our family's biggest dream is to walk around the Mount without Georgie running off the edge,” says Liz.
'When Georgie gets her very own dog, this will become a reality. So far we've raised $7000 towards the $20,000 cost of an assistance dog.”
The movie fundraiser features ‘Song of the New Earth' on Thursday, April 30 from 7pm at the 17th Ave Historic Village Picture Theatre.
Voted by the Huff Post website as number three in the Top 10 Heartwarming Films 2014, the movie is a journey of sound, spiritually and scientifically, with viewers taken on an adventure to experience 'seeing the miracles that happen with sound”.
It's also described as cutting edge, inspirational, extraordinary journey, showing how through sound and music we can heal the world and ourselves.
Tickets are limited to 50 and can be purchased at www.globalspiritualeventsdirectory.com or from Georgie's mum Liz on 021 069 6657.
To help Georgie's fundraising, click here.
A movie night next week for autism sufferer Georgie Farrell, 5, will help her goal to get an assistance dog.
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